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Amanita microlepis Bas
"Small-scaled Lepidella"

Technical description (t.b.d.)

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Amanita microlepis is one of the few species of Amanita with gills the color of café au lait.  It is also unusual for having a partial veil that is of distinctly darker tint that the cap and stipe.  In the eastern U.S., the only species of section Lepidella that is known to have similarly colored gills is A. pelioma Bas, which can be distinguished by the even more unusual character of having the universal veil material (at least on the stipe) bruise blue-green.

Amanita microlepis has a cap up to 145 mm wide; it is whitish to cream to olive drab and sometimes darker in part.  The volva forms (at least at first) a nearly continuous covering of subpyramidal warts suggesting the surface of a Lycoperdon; their color is whitish to dirty cream to yellowish pale gray or with an olivaceous tint.

The stipe is up to 135 x 20 mm and colored similarly to the cap except for the partial veil which is beige or concolorous with the gills.

The spores of this species measure (8.2-) 8.4 - 10.8 × (5.6-) 5.9 - 7.3 (-8.0) µm, are amyloid and broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid (infrequently elongate).  Clamps are present at bases of some basidia.

The species is often associated with pine or oak.

Amanita microlepis has a range extending from New Jersey to Texas and, probably, into Mexico.

Bas (1969) selected the present species upon which to base the name of stirps Microlepis. Other taxa in this stirps include A. abrupta Peck, A. atkinsoniana Coker, A. costaricensis Tulloss, Halling, & G. M. Muell. nom. prov., A. nitida sensu Coker, A. onusta (Howe) Sacc.), A. sphaerobulbosa Hongo. -- R. E. Tulloss

Photos: R. E. Tulloss (South Carolina)

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Last change 17 March 2009.
This page is maintained by R. E. Tulloss.
Copyright 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009 by Rodham E. Tulloss.
Photographs copyright 2000 by Rodham E. Tulloss.