series Amanita | series Aurantiovelatae | series Heterochromae | series Morenoae | series Nigrescens | series Pudicae | series Roseophyllae | series Sinensis | series Sulcatissimae | series Toxicae |
N.B.: The name of this taxon will be an autonym generated by the publication of other taxa at the same rank in Amanita. Such taxa are provisional and being evaluated presently by RET and ZLY.
Amanita subsect. Amanita is proposed to comprise all and only those taxa of A. sect. Amanita that bear realtively common to plentiful clamp connections at the bases of their basidia.
This application should be considered to be "in the sense of Tulloss and Zhu L. Yang."
This categorization is proposed based on the hypothesis of C. Bas (1969) that the loss of clamps in the Amanitaceae is not reversible.