name | Amanita regalis |
name status | nomen acceptum |
author | (Fr.) Michael |
english name | "King of Sweden Amanita" |
images |
1. Amanita regalis, Norway. 2. Amanita regalis, Norway. 3. Amanita regalis, Norway. 4. Amanita regalis, plate of Michael (1903), possibly representing German material. 5. Amanita regalis, Södra Tresund, Vilhelmina, Lapland, Sweden. 6. Amanita regalis, Södra Tresund, Vilhelmina, Lapland, Sweden. 7. Amanita regalis, Södra Tresund, Vilhelmina, Lapland, Sweden. 8. Amanita regalis, Södra Tresund, Vilhelmina, Lapland, Sweden. |
intro |
The following description is based on Bresinsky and Besl (1990), Gulden et al. (1989), and from personal collections of Tulloss. |
cap |
The cap of Amanita regalis is 70 - 160 (-200) mm wide, 4 - 12 (or more) mm thick dark umber, olive ochre-yellow, ochre-brown, grayish yellow to light nut-brown, glutinous, shiny, subglobose when young, then convex, finally nearly planar with a slightly depressed center, with a nonappendiculate and subtubercular striate margin in maturity (about 10 - 20% of cap radius), which can flare up in age. Over the disc of an opened specimen, the color varied from dark golden brown, brown-orange, to yellow brown; away from the center, the cap was golden brown, brownish orange-yellow to tannish cream at the very margin. The cap color fades slightly with age, no matter what colors it develops before then. The buttons can be almost a pure yellow or an intense dark brown. The volva is present in young material as a tomentose, pulverulent veil that is always yellowish to yellowish-gray and easily separated from the surface of the cap. At first, the volva is bright yellow and rapidly becomes pallid to whitish in sunlight. In age, the warts may darken with gray tints. In mature material, the warts are floccose-pulverulent, friable, and vary in size. The warts are distributed densely but irregularly unless washed off by rain. The cap skin is removable as far as the center. The flesh is fairly intense yellow brown to olive-ocher to olive-brown immediately below the skin, faint yellowish white to pale yellow in the rest of the flesh. |
gills | Gills are free, sometimes narrowly attached to the stem at first, crowded to subcrowded, cream in mass, cream to pale yellowish cream to white with a dingy ochraceous tint, 6 - 9 mm broad, with a convex-floccose edge. The short gills are truncate, plentiful, unevenly distributed, and of several lengths. |
stem |
The stem is 90 - 200 × 9 - 25 mm, narrowing upward, minimally flaring at the top of the stem, fibrillose-tomentose, white to pale yellowish white, and sometimes discoloring brown to ochraceous-olive with handling, sometimes decorated with upward pointing concolorous, fibrillose scales. The ring is floccose, off-white, not striate on the surface, thin, membranous, skirt-like, persistent, and in the upper one-third to one-half of the stem. It bears yellowish to brownish yellow floccose scales on the underside. The bulb is 15 - 35 mm wide, subglobose to ovoid, white, tapering towards the base, with two to eight or more bands of yellowish flocci and scales (see adjacent illustration). These rings of material become grayish-cream with age. Bits of the volva in its whole range of coloration can be found distributed unevenly over the lower stem and are often seen in the substrate when the mushroom is removed. The central cylinder of the stem is at first firmly packed with white cottony material which eventually disappears making the stem hollow. The central cylinder comprises 25 - 30% of the stem's diameter. The flesh is white to off-white or yellowish below the ring, sometimes with watery streaks. |
odor/taste |
The odor is indistinct. |
spores |
The spores measurements provided by Bresinsky and Besl (1990) are as follows: 9 - 12 x 6 - 9 µm and are broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid and inamyloid. Tulloss' measurements from Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish material are (8.1-) 9.0 - 11.1 (-16.7) x (6.5-) 6.7 - 8.7 (-12.0) and are broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid (rarely elongate) and inamyloid. Clamps are present at bases of basidia. |
discussion |
The present species occurs in damp, partly grassy, pine and spruce forests as well as deciduous forests (including birch) in the mountains of Central Europe and Northern Europe as well as in Scandinavia. The species is reported to have a montane distribution in Japan (Oda et al., 2004). In North America, the species occurs mostly above treeline in Alaska (J. Geml, personal corresp.). Amanita regalis is poisonous. It contains toxins present in other species similar to A. muscaria (L. : Fr.) Lam., A. pantherina (DC. : Fr.) Krombh., A. crenulata Peck, etc. Amanita regalis has been at times been considered a variety of Amanita muscaria; but the unusual range of color is very consistent; and Scandinavian mycologists who know it well consider it a separate species with no evidence of interbreeding with A. muscaria. It seems to have a more limited and northerly range than does A. muscaria despite the fact that the two ranges substantially overlap. As would be supposed by anyone observing the distribution of the volva on the stem and bulb this species is in fact a close relative of A. muscaria. In addition to the form of the volva, the fact that both taxa have plentiful clamps on their basidia links them into a rather well defined subgroup of section Amanita. To date I don't know of evidence that A. regalis has been exported with trees to other continents. In this it is strikingly different from A. muscaria. For more information on this point, see Amanita muscaria.—R. E. Tulloss and L. Possiel |
brief editors | RET |
name | Amanita regalis | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
author | (Fr. : Fr.) Michael. 1903. Führer Pilzfreunde, vierte Aufl.: pl 56 [with text]. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
name status | nomen acceptum | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
english name | "King of Sweden Amanita" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
synonyms |
see Amanita Nomenclator (t.b.d.) The editors of this site owe a great debt to Dr. Cornelis Bas whose famous cigar box files of Amanita nomenclatural information gathered over three or more decades were made available to RET for computerization and make up the lion's share of the nomenclatural information presented on this site. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
etymology | regalis, "royal" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MycoBank nos. | 454253, 480027, 160992, 351639 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GenBank nos. |
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holotypes | none; no possible syntypes. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
neotypes | designated in error (see note under "neotypification") | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
neotypifications | Amanita regalis—Neville & Poumarat. 2004. Fungi Europaei 9: 352. [Note: This neotypification apparently assumed incorrectly that the (Michael 1903) plate of A. regalis was in the first (1896) edition of the same work and, consequently, designated a plate that does not illustrate A. regalis as the neotype of the species. The resultant neotype must be rejected because it fails to conform to the description of the present species. In RET's opinon this is just as well. An appropriate neotype would be a well-documented, well-photographed, well-dried specimen from an area in which Fries is known to have collected.] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
revisions |
Neville & Poumarat. 2004. Fungi Europaei 9: 351. Tulloss, here | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
intro |
Olive text indicates a specimen that has not been
thoroughly examined (for example, for microscopic details) and marks other places in the text
where data is missing or uncertain. Unless otherwise indicated, material below is derived from original research of R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
basidiospores | RET/CRC: [360/18/13] (8.0-) 9.0- 11.6 (-17.0) × (5.9-) 6.5 - 8.8 (-12.0) µm, (L = (9.4-) 9.8 - 11.6 µm; L’ = 10.3 µm; W = 6.9 - 8.5 (-8.6) µm; W’ = 7.7 µm; Q = (1.10-) 1.22 - 1.50 (-1.73); Q = 1.26 - 1.40 (-1.43); Q’ = 1.34), hyaline, colorless, thin-walled, smooth, inamyloid, broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, usually adaxially flattened; apiculus sublateral, cylindric to truncate-conic; contents mono- to multiguttulate; color in deposit not recorded. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ecology |
Gregarious. Finland: In broad-leaf forest or in little lawn by stand of Pinus among rocks. Norway: At ca. 500 m elev. In Picea forest on calcareous soil or with dwarf Betula and Juniperus and Salix. Sweden: At edge of mixed conifer forest or on grazed ground with Picea or in mixed forest. Alaska, U.S.A.: Montane. With Dryas. Gulden et al. (1985) report that A. regalis is one of the few species of Amanita not in Amanita section Vaginatae that is rather commonly found in treeline forests of northern Europe. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
material examined |
KARLOVY VARY REGION—Kladská, ca. Mariánské Lázně, 11.viii.2009 J. Boroviĉka BORE 37 (RET 454-10); Mnichov, Pluhův Bor Nature Reserve, 11.viii.2009 J. Boroviĉka BORE 38 (RET 455-1).
FINLAND: VARSINAIS-SUOMI REGION—Virrat, kk-Killinkoski, Lk. Toisvesi, 26.viii.1966 Pijo & Ilkka Kytövuori 2504 (H n.v.; RET ??).
UUSIMAA REGION—Vantaa, Mustavuori, 5.viii.1984 Mauri Korhonen 5974 (H, n.v.; RET ??).
BUSKERUD—Kongsberg, nedefor Skrim-hutta, Rjester ved Skrim [UMTWGS84 NM 32,00], 20.viii.1999 P. Marstad, H. Myhre, T. Torjesen & M. Humlen s.n. [Tulloss 8-20-99-D] (O 35628; RET 311-3), L. Winter, S. Aasrum & M. Nuñez s.n. [Tulloss 8-20-99-F] (O 36250; RET 311-4).
HEDMARK—Ringsaker, Furnes, Hangenholen, 15.viii.1977 A. T. Thorshaug s.n. (O).
OPPLAND—ca. Tverråi [River] in Grimsdalen, Dovre [1519 III 32V NP 3385], 13.viii.1985 J. Stordal 24153 (O 506); Gjøvik, Skistua | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
discussion |
RET/CRC: (t.b.d.) The following figure provides a sporograph comparison for the present species and Amanita muscaria: Despite annotations to the contrary found in the packet with Stordal 24153, in three attempts from different positions on lamellae, no spores were found on the single specimen we received on loan. The 2010 Lapland specimen collected by Irene Andersson is immature. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
citations | —R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
editors | RET | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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name | Amanita regalis |
name status | nomen acceptum |
author | (Fr.) Michael |
english name | "King of Sweden Amanita" |
images |
1. Amanita regalis, Norway. 2. Amanita regalis, Norway. 3. Amanita regalis, Norway. 4. Amanita regalis, plate of Michael (1903), possibly representing German material. 5. Amanita regalis, Södra Tresund, Vilhelmina, Lapland, Sweden. 6. Amanita regalis, Södra Tresund, Vilhelmina, Lapland, Sweden. 7. Amanita regalis, Södra Tresund, Vilhelmina, Lapland, Sweden. 8. Amanita regalis, Södra Tresund, Vilhelmina, Lapland, Sweden. |
photo |
RET - (1-3) Norway. Irene Anderssson - (5-8) [ # 49440] Södra Tresund, Vilhelmina, Lapland, Sweden. |
historic plates | (4) Michael. 1903. Führer für Pilzfreunde, vierte Auflage: pl. 56. |
name | Amanita regalis |
bottom links | [ Keys & Checklists ] |
name | Amanita regalis |
bottom links | [ Keys & Checklists ] |
Each spore data set is intended to comprise a set of measurements from a single specimen made by a single observer; and explanations prepared for this site talk about specimen-observer pairs associated with each data set. Combining more data into a single data set is non-optimal because it obscures observer differences (which may be valuable for instructional purposes, for example) and may obscure instances in which a single collection inadvertently contains a mixture of taxa.