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Amanita vestita Corner & Bas
"Leggings Lepidella"

watercolor by E. J. H. Corner photo by N. K. Zeng - Hainan Prov., China photo by N. K. Zeng - Hainan Prov., China

Technical description (t.b.d.)

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The description is taken from the original description (Corner and Bas, 1962).  The cap of A. vestita is 20 - 45 mm wide, plano-convex to plane with a slightly depressed center, pale grayish white, dry, and with a non or vaguely sulcate, appendiculate margin.  The flesh is white and soft.  The cap is sprinkled with small, micaceous, umber particles condensed to a soft, granular, 1 mm thick layer over the center.

The gills are free or slightly adnexed, fairly crowded, rather broad, rounded near the margin of the cap, and milk-white.  The short gills are obliquely truncate to attenuate.

The stem is 40 - 80 x 4 - 8 mm, attenuate upward, solid, white at apex to brownish below, subannulate to exxanulate, white-flocculose, umber towards the base, with pulverulent-flocculose volval remnants.

According to Bas (1969), the spores measure 7.5 - 9 x 5.5 - 6.5 µm and are broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid and amyloid.  Clamps are not found at bases of basidia.

Originally described from Singapore and Malaya.

Bas placed A. vestita in his stirps Cinereoconia (see A. cinereoconia G. F. Atk. var. cinereoconia). -- R. E. Tulloss

Watercolor: Prof. E. J. H. Corner (Singapore, illustration from original description (Corner and Bas, 1962) reproduced by courtesy of Persoonia, Leiden, the Netherlands.)
Photos: N. K. Zeng (Hainan Prov., China).

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Last change 10 October 2009.
This page is maintained by R. E. Tulloss.
Copyright 2003, 2004, 2009 by Rodham E. Tulloss.
Watercolor copyright 1962 by Persoonia.
Photographs copyright 2009 by N. K. Zeng.