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[ Keys & Checklist/Picturebooks ] "Australian Pinecone Lepidella"
Technical description (t.b.d.) BRIEF DESCRIPTION: This description is based on Dr. Bas' thesis on section Lepidella (1969). The cap of A. strobilacea is 70 - 100 mm wide, convex, probably white or pale yellow, dry, with a nonsulcate, appendiculate margin. The cap is completely covered with concolorous, large, rounded-conical, firm, adnate warts, with slight radially fibrillose structure at their sides and a small, flat, slightly darker patch on their subtruncate tips; warts are broader and lower towards the margin. The gills are subdistant, free, and rather narrow. The stem is about 100 x 25 mm, probably whitish or yellowish, solid, with a narrow (?), membranous, subapical ring and no or scarcely any remnants of volva near the margin of the bulb. The spores measure (7.5-) 8 - 10 x 6.5 - 9 µm and are amyloid and globose to broadly ellipsoid. Clamps are present at bases of basidia. Bas placed this species in his stirps Ravenelii>.
It is the opinion of Reid (1980)
that A. strobilacea may be a synonym of A.
effusa (Kalchbr.) D.A. Reid. If this is the case, then the correct name
of the species is A. effusa. Reid interprets A.
strobilacea as lemon yellow. This suggests the possibility that
the name is based on a specimen of A. effusa that suffers from
the "yellowing syndrome." see A.
subsolitaria (Murrill) Murrill.
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[ Keys & Checklist/Picturebooks ] Last changed 20 March 2009. |