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Amanita princeps Corner & Bas
"Head Man's Slender Caesar"

Technical description (t.b.d.)

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Fruiting bodies of A. princeps are medium-sized to large, sometimes very large.  The cap is 70 - 200 (-250) mm wide, convex to applanate, without an umbo over disc or only slightly umbonate, brown to yellowish brown, becoming ochraceous, pale ochraceous to yellowish towards the margin, usually glabrous, and occasionally with dirty white, greyish to greyish-brownish, membranous volval remnants.  (Corner's notes refer to the cap as "light biscuit color.") The cap's margin is tuberculate-striate (25% - 45% of the radius) and non-appendiculate; and the cap's context is white.

The gills are free, crowded, and white; the short gills are truncate.

The bulbless stem is 90 - 250 (-300) x 10 - 30 mm, cylindric or slightly tapering upwards, white, dirty white to grey, covered with grey squamules; the stipe's context is white and fistulose; at the stipe's base, the volva is saccate, 40 - 80 (-120) x 30 - 50 (-65) mm, 1 - 5 mm thick, with an outer surface that is dirty white, greyish to brownish, often cracking into patches, and an inner surface that is whitish (at least at first).  The volva often has a small internal limb on its inner surface.  The annulus is apical to subapical, white, membranous, copious, and often broken during expansion of the cap.

Basidiospores (8.0-) 8.5 - 12.0 (-14.5) x (6.0-) 7.5 - 11.5 (-13.0) µm and subglobose to sometimes broadly ellipsoid and inamyloid.  Clamps are common at bases of basidia.

This species was originally described from "deep forest" in Singapore, and it is common in tropical China. -- Zhu L. Yang

[Note: It is possible that the name Amanita princeps is a synonym of A. aporema Boedijn.  However, given the current state of the only known specimen of the latter, this may not be establishable at present. -- RET]

Photos: Zhu L. Yang (right & left - Yunnan Province, China)
Watercolor: Prof. E. J. H. Corner (center - Singapore, illustration from original description (Corner and Bas, 1962) reproduced by courtesy of Persoonia, Leiden, the Netherlands.)

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Last changed 1 April 2009.
This page is maintained by R. E. Tulloss.
Copyright 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009 by Zhu L. Yang.
Photographs copyright 2003 by Zhu L. Yang.