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Amanita multisquamosa Peck
"Small Funnel-Veil Amanita"
=Amanita pantherina var. multisquamosa (Peck) Dav. T. Jenkins
=Amanita cothurnata G. F. Atk.
=Amanita glabriceps Peck

Technical description (t.b.d.)


Amanita multisquamosa has a 30 - 110 mm wide, rather pallid cap with a disc tinted tan or brown; the cap margin is distinctly striate. Most of the specimens I have found fall at the lower end of the range of cap width.

Jenkins (1986) says the gills are free to remote, crowded, and white; and the short gills are plentiful and truncate.

The stipe is 35 - 130 x 3 - 12 mm (not including notable basal bulb in range of width), white, and annulate. The annulus in this species is often pulled up by the expansion of the pileus and, hence, looks funnel-shaped. The annulus in A. velatipes G. F. Atk. is often pulled into a similar shape. The rather pronounced collar of volval remains encircling the top of the bulb is shared with a number of taxa in what might be called the "pantherina complex": A. albocreata G. F. Atk., A. pantherina (DC. : Fr.) Krombh., A. velatipes G. F. Atk., etc. Note that, on occasion, the volva of species in the "muscaria complex" may be similarly disposed (e.g., see images of A. muscaria var. guessowii Veselý).

The spores measure (6.6-) 7.0 - 11.2 (-15.0) x (5.2-) 5.6 - 8.4 (-8.7) µm and are subglobose to broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid and inamyloid. Clamps are rarely present at bases of basidia, according to Jenkins (1986).

Amanita multisquamosa occurs in mixed coniferous and deciduous forest.

Amanita multisquamosa occurs in eastern North America. Jenkins (1986) states that it may have been found in the Pacific Northwest.

Note: Dimensions, except for spore measurements) are taken from Jenkins (1986).

The mushroom should be presumed to be toxic.

See also Amanita frostiana var. pallidipes Peck. -- R. E. Tulloss

Photo: R. E. Tulloss (Massachusetts, U.S.A.)

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Last changed 10 October 2010.
This page is maintained by
R. E. Tulloss.
Copyright 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2009 by Rodham E. Tulloss.
Photograph copyright 2000 by Rodham E. Tulloss.