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Amanita liquii Zhu L. Yang, M. Weiss & Oberw.
"Dark-faced Ringless Amanita"
=Amanita ceciliae sensu Chinese authors
=Amanita inaurata sensu Chinese authors

Technical description (t.b.d.)

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The fruiting bodies of A. liquii are large. Its cap is 100 - 140 mm wide, at first nearly hemispherical, then convex to plano-convex; its center is often slightly umbonate. It is sepia to blackish, becoming blackish brown to dark brown towards the margin; and it lacks any yellow tint at all stages of development. Its margin is tuberculate-striate (extending 15% to 25% of the cap radius), and non-appendiculate. The volval remnants on the cap are dark grey to sepia, sometimes grey, felty to irregularly formed to verrucose, 2 - 10 mm wide and 1 - 3 mm high. The context is white.

The gills of this species are free, crowded, white to cream-colored when young, greyish when mature, with blackish to dark brown free edges; the short gills are truncate to subtruncate.

The exannulate stem of A. liquii is 130 - 170 x 15 - 30 mm, subcylindric or slightly tapering upward, whitish to brownish, and densely covered with dark grey to blackish squamules often in belts; its context white but at very base often greyish, sometimes brownish to light rusty brown, and stuffed to hollow. The stipe has no basal bulb. Volval remnants on the stipe are verrucose to subconical to granular, grey to dark grey to brownish in parts most distant from the stem, becoming paler towards bases of the remnants; the remnants are arranged in incomplete belts at the stipe base.

The odor is indistinct.

Spores measure (11.0-) 11.5 - 15.0 (-24.0) x (9.5-) 11.0 - 14.5 (-20.0) µm and are globose to subglobose, and inamyloid. Clamps are not present on the bases of basidia.

Amanita liquii was originally described from Yunnan Province, China. It is common in the subalpine to alpine regions of southwestern China. -- Zhu L. Yang

For a list of probably related taxa, see the page for A. ceciliae (Berk. & Broome) Bas.

Photo: Zhu L. Yang (Yunnan Province, China)

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Last changed 8 October 2009.
This page is maintained by R. E. Tulloss.
Copyright 2003, 2004, 2009 by Zhu L. Yang.
Photo copyright 2003 by Zhu L. Yang.