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[ Keys & Checklist/Picturebooks ] "Small-Spored Woolly Lepidella"
Technical description (t.b.d.) BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The cap of Amanita lanosa is about 60 - 100 mm wide, parabolic to plano-convex or flat, mostly with an umbo, rather fleshy, with nonsulcate, appendiculate margin. The cap is at first entirely covered by a thick, pulverulent-floccose to -verrucose, dark-gray brown volva with pulverulent, pyramidal warts at the center, later breaking up into pulverulent-floccose warts to patches on a somewhat paler, slighty polished cap skin. The gills are rather crowded, free or just reaching the apex of the stem, moderately broad, and whitish. The short gills are attenuate. The stem is about 80 - 200 x 5 - 15 mm, subcylindrical, hollow, moderately dark gray-brown, with slightly darker, floccose-sublanose covering especially in the upper part and dark gray-brown, pulverulent-subfelted, wart-like or rim-like remnants of the volva at the base. The spores measure 7 - 8 (-9) x 7 - 8 (-9) µm and are amyloid and globose (rarely subglobose). Beeli reported these spore measurements to be 6 - 7 µm in diameter. Clamps are present at bases of basidia. This species was described from what is now the Republic of Congo. It was reportedly associated with Gilbertiodendron (=Macrolobium) dewevrei (De Wildem.) Léon. It is most similar to A. lanosula Bas, a species based on noncomformant material included in the type of A. lanosa. The distinctions between the two taxa listed by Bas are found on the page for A. lanosula. Bas included the present species in his stirps Chlorinosma. See A. chlorinosma (Peck) Lloyd. -- R. E. Tulloss
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[ Keys & Checklist/Picturebooks ] Last changed 15 March 2009. |