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Amanita griseofarinosa Hongo
"Asian Gray Powder Lepidella"

Technical description (t.b.d.)

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Fruiting bodies of Amanita griseofarionosa are small to medium-sized. The cap of this species is 40 - 70 mm wide, convex to applanate, greyish, brownish grey, or occasionally whitish.  The cap is densely covered with greyish, grey to dark grey, farinose, verrucose to felty volval remnants; the margin is smooth and appendiculate; and the context is white.

The gills are free and white; their edges are greyish.  The short gills are attenuate.

The stipe is 60 - 120 x 5 - 20 mm and subcylindric, and it has a surface that is greyish to dirty white, covered with grey farinose to floccose to fibrillose squamules.  The stipe's basal bulb is 10 - 30 mm wide and ventricose; its upper part is covered with grey to brown, floccose to farinose volval remnants.  The annulus is fugacious.

Bas (1969) reported that the taste as mild and the smell, faint.

Spores measaure (8.0-) 9.0 - 11.5 (-12.5) x 7.0 - 9.0 (-11.0) µm and are dominantly broadly ellipsoid, sometimes subglobose or ellipsoid, and amyloid.  Clamps are absent at the bases of basidia.

Amanita griseofarinosa was originally described from Japan.  The species is also found in China and South Korea.

Bas (1969) placed the present species in his stirps Cinereoconia (see A. cinereoconia G. F. Atk. var. cinereoconia). -- Zhu L. Yang and R. E. Tulloss

Photos: Zhu L. Yang (Yunnan Province, China)

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Last change 10 March 2009.
This page is maintained by R. E. Tulloss.
Photo copyright 2003, 2009 by Zhu L. Yang.
Copyright 2003 by Zhu L. Yang.