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Amanita flavofloccosa Nagas. & Hongo
"East Asian Shaggy Yellow Lepidella"

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Technical description (t.b.d.)

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The following is largely based on the original description by Nagasawa and Hongo (1984. It is noteworthy that, unlike other yellowish or yellowing species in Amanita sect. Lepidella (e.g., see Amanita subsolitaria (Murrill) Murrill), Amanita flavofloccosa is reported to have white, unchanging flesh.

The cap of A. flavofloccosa is 90 mm wide, dry or subviscid when wet, with an appendiculate, nonsulcate margin. At maturity, the pileus is subplanar with the margin curved downward. The cap is densely covered with delicate, lanose to floccose, or somewhat pulverulent, pale yellow to light yellow scales on a whitish ground. The volval scales become grayish red to brownish orange from the tip with age.

The gills are free, rather crowded, and pale orange. The short gills are abruptly[?] attenuate.

The stem is 170 x 10 mm, nearly cylindric, with a slightly enlarged base, stuffed, annulate, and lanose-squarrose on a whitish background. The small basal bulb is not decorated with remnants of volva. The annulus is striate on the top surface and, although tearing, is at least sometimes persistent.

The spores measure 7 - 8 (-9) x 6 - 8 µm and are amyloid and globose to subglobose (rarely broadly ellipsoid). Clamps are present at bases of basidia.

The present species was originally described from Japan.

Amanita flavofloccosa is assignable to Bas' stirps Nauseosa. Somewhat similar taxa (but without clamps at the bases of basidia) can be found in Bas' stirps Thiersii. -- R. E. Tulloss

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Last changed 5 October 2009.
This page is maintained by R. E. Tulloss.
Copyright 2004, 2009 by Rodham E. Tulloss.