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Amanita eijii Zhu L. Yang
"Nagasawa's Lepidella"
=Amanita cokeri f. roseitincta Nagas. & Hongo

Technical description (t.b.d.)

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The cap of Amanita eijii is 60 - 130 mm wide, convex to applanate, occasionally concave, dry or subviscid, whitish to dirty white, but becoming pinkish to brownish with age over disc. The volval remnants on the cap are pyramidal to subpyramidal or subconical, 1 - 3.5 mm high, dirty white to pinkish or brownish, and randomly arranged. The pileal margin is smooth and appendiculate.

The lamellae are white to cream, and become pinkish when injured.

The stipe is 50 - 130 x 10 - 20 mm, subcylindric or slightly tapering upward. The stem's basal bulb is clavate to ventricose or subfusiform, 10 - 25 mm wide and 30 - 50 mm long. The upper part of bulb and lower part of the stem are usually covered with distinctly reflexed, irregularly or incompletely concentrically arranged, pinkish to brownish squamules. The annulus is subapical and white. The trama is white, but becomes pinkish when cut.

The basidiospores (8.5-) 9.0 - 11.0 (-13.0) x (6.5-) 7.0 - 8.0 (-8.5) µm, amyloid, and broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid. Clamps are present at bases of basidia.

Amanita eijii grows in broad-leaved or mixed forests. The taxon was originally described as a forma of A. cokeri from Japan.

It is presently known from Japan and China.

Amanita eijii is similar to A. cokeri (E.-J. Gilbert & Kühner) E.-J. Gilbert, originally described from southeastern North America, but the latter has a white pileus with white to brownish volval remnants, a white trama of basidiocarp, more strongly gelatinized pileipellis and significantly larger basidiospores.

For a list of other taxa most closely related to A. eijii, see A. cokeri (E.-J. Gilbert & Kühner) E.-J. Gilbert. These taxa are members of Bas' stirps Solitaria. -- Zhu L. Yang

Drawing: Zhu L. Yang (China).
Photograph: Ying Zhang (China)

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Last changed 8 March 2009.
This page is maintained by R. E. Tulloss.
Copyright 2004, 2007, 2009 by Rodham E. Tulloss.
Photography copyright 2007 by Ying Zhang.
Drawing copyright 2004 by Zhu L. Yang.