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Amanita conicobulbosa Cleland
"Australian Cone-root Lepidella"

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Technical description (t.b.d.)

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The following is based on the description of Bas (1969).

The cap of Amanita conicobulbosa is 50 - 100 mm wide, convex to plano-convex or flat, sometimes plano-convex or convex with a slightly depressed center, grayish white to white to pale ochraceous buff, sometimes with brownish or grayish tinges, viscid when moist, glabrous and shiny in places when dry, with a nonsulcate, appendiculate margin.  The cap is sometimes scattered with rather large, concolorous, low, subpyramidal warts with firm tips and somewhat felted-fibrillose base, decreasing in size towards the margin; sometimes the cap is entirely felted-fibrillose.

The gills are crowded, just free to slightly adnexed, broad (6 - 13 mm), cream white, and turning pale buff with age.  The short gills are scarce and probably attenuate.

The stem is 75 - 125 x 10 - 22 mm, slightly tapering upward, solid, white or whitish, fibrillose-squamulose to subglabrous, somewhat striate at the top, with vague small scales or warts or some circularridge derived from the volva at the top of the bulb.

The spores measure 10 - 13 (-14.5) x (5-) 6 - 7.5 µm and are amyloid and broadly ellipsoid to cylindrical.  Clamps are present at bases of basidia.

Amanita conicobulbosa was originally described from the state of South Australia, Australia.

Bas placed the present species in his stirps Rhopalopus. -- R. E. Tulloss

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Last changed 1 October 2009.
This page is maintained by R. E. Tulloss.
Copyright 2004, 2009 by Rodham E. Tulloss.