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[ Draft description of, & key to, sect. Caesareae ]

Amanita cokeriana Singer
"Coker's Slender Caesar"

[picture wanted]

Technical description (t.b.d.)

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The following is based on the description of Singer's protologue (1948).

The cap of Amanita cokeriana is 25 - 75 mm wide, nearly white with a straw-colored center, convex, then nearly plane, often with a depressed center at maturity, with a strongly striate margin. The volva is absent or present as scattered flat, thin, white, membranous patches. The flesh is white, soft, not very fragile, and 5 mm thick above the stem.

The gills are not crowded, white when young, pale straw-color when mature, up to 8.5 mm broad, distinctly adnexed, with a decurrent line. The short gills are truncate and plentiful.

The stem is 70 - 140 × 7 - 12 mm, white, tapering upward, suddenly flaring at the top, nearly smooth to slightly "slivered" below the ring. The ring is placed high on the stem, thin, delicate, white, membranous, not friable, collapsing as a delicate ring 13 - 25 mm below the top of the stem. The saccate volva is deep, membranous, white, not readily collapsing on the stem, and attached to lowest 5 - 10 mm of the stem. The flesh is white(?) and stuffed.

Singer's spore measurments are as follows: 11 - 14.5 × 5.5 - 7.5 µm. Coker (1917) supplied a description in small type of a collection from Hartsville, South Carolina dated July 16, 1916 but to which he assigned no number. This description (for which a voucher has not been found) is the basis of Singer's so-called "Coastal plane form" of A. recutita sensu Coker. For this collection, Coker provided the spore measurements: 10.3 - 14.8 × 5.5 - 7.7 µm.

The Coastal plane form is associated with long leaf pine (Pinus palustrus) in sandy soils.

It is sometimes reported that the present species is based on A. recutita sensu Coker (1917). However, this is inaccurate. The material that receives most of the attention in Coker's description, is represented in Coker's herbarium, is illustrated by Coker, and is explicitly excluded from the present species by Singer. Singer's description of A. cokeriana is based on a description (as noted above) for which no known voucher specimen exists and, in addition, on supplementary material from Florida with a somewhat different cap color. Hence, when a lectotype is selected for A. cokeriana it must be chosen from among SInger's collections made in Florida.

In RET's type study of Amanita murrilliana Singer it was found that the sole paratype was not conformant with the type. The collection in question contained five fruiting bodies at various stages of growth which provided solid information on the range of spore size and shape for whatever entity that paratype represents. Among currently described taxa, the best match is to the present species. RET's spore measurements for the nonconformant paratype follow: (10.8-) 11.5 - 14.7 (-19.0) × (5.5) 6.0 - 7.6 (-8.5) µm. The spores are elongate to cylindric, rarely bacilliform and inamyloid. Clamps are present at bases of basidia. In addition, this material is assignable to stirps Hemibapha as A. cokeriana probably is. -- R. E. Tulloss and L. Possiel

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[ Draft description of, & key to, sect. Caesareae ]

Last change 30 September 2009
This page is maintained by R. E. Tulloss.
Copyright 2006, 2008, 2009 by Rodham E. Tulloss.