[ Section Lepidella page. ] [ Amanita Studies home. ] [ Keys & Checklist/Picturebooks ] Amanita centunculus Corner & Bas"Tiny Blanket Lepidella"
Technical description (t.b.d.) BRIEF DESCRIPTION: This description is based on the original description (Corner & Bas, 1962) and the treatment by Bas (1969. The cap of A. centunculus is 50 - 60 mm wide, convex then plane, white, dry, with a nonstriate margin. The volva is present as a few, sometimes only three, large, flat, angular, white then brownish, felted, membranous, thick patches. The gills are free, crowded, and white. The short gills are truncate or obliquely truncate. The stem is 40 - 50 x 10 - 13 mm, shortly rooting base, becoming widely hollow, white, wholly finely floccose-pruinose, and more or less attenuate. Volval remnants on the base are at first white to brownish patches, later on obscurely and thinly peronate with fading remnants, and finally merely flocculose. The spores measure 7.0 - 8.5 x (4.5-) 5.0 - 6.0 (-7.5) µm and are amyloid and broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid to elongate ellipsoid. Clamps were not observed at bases of basidia. This species was described from tropical forest in Malaya. Bas placed the present species in his stirps Strobiliformis (see A. strobiliformis (Paul. ex Vitt.) Bertillon in Dechambre. -- R. E. Tulloss Drawing: C. Bas ( [ Section Lepidella page. ] [ Amanita Studies home. ] [ Keys & Checklist/Picturebooks ] Last changed 28 February 2009. |