[ Section Lepidella page. ] [ Amanita Studies home. ] [ Keys & Checklist/Picturebooks ] Amanita bubalina Bas."Argentine Tan Lepidella"
Technical description (t.b.d.) BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The cap of A. bubalina is 8 - 30 mm wide, hemispherical to convex, pale ochraceous, paler at the margin, dry, with an appendiculate, nonsulcate margin. The cap is covered with adnate, small, pointed, felted, concolorous warts. The gills are subdistant, adnexed to almost free, rather broad, white at first, later pale ochraceous to avellaneous. The short gills are attenuate. The stem is 12 - 30 x 12 - 20 mm, tapering upward, solid, pale ochraceous, floccose, with several circles of very distinct, concolorous, adnate, appressed, scale-like to erect, wart-like remnants of volva at the base. There is a white subapical ring that is felted-membranous and rather persistent. The spores measure (6.5-) 7 - 9 (-9.5) x 5 - 6.5 µm and are amyloid and broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid. Clamps are present at bases of basidia. The original description says the collecting site was at over 1,000 m elev. in forest in Argentina. Bas placed A. bubalina in his stirps Vittadinii. It differs from most of the taxa in that stirps by occurring in forest. -- R. E. Tulloss Drawing: Dr. Cornelis Bas (1969) (reproduced by courtesy of Persoonia, Leiden, the Netherlands) [ Section Lepidella page. ] [ Amanita Studies home. ] [ Keys & Checklist/Picturebooks ] Last changed 23 February 2009. |