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Amanita aureofloccosa Bas
"Golden Floccose Lepidella"
=Lepiota aurea Beeli
non A. aurea (Beeli) E.-J. Gilbert (=Amanitopsis aurea Beeli)

Technical description (t.b.d.)

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The cap of A. aureofloccosa is up to 80 mm wide, plano-convex, rather thin-fleshed, with a nonsulcate margin.  The cap is golden yellow with an orange-yellow, pulverulent-floccose to squamulose, detersile covering.

The gills are free, rather crowded, narrow to moderately broad, and white.  The short gills are attenuate.

The stem is up to 140 x 7 - 18 mm, tapering upward, hollow, pale yellow at the base and top, and the rest covered by orange-yellow, floccose scales.

The spores measure (6.0-) 7.0 - 8.5 (-9.0) x (6.0-) 6.5 - 8.5 µm and are amyloid and globose to subglobose.  Clamps are not found at bases of basidia.

Amanita aureofloccosa was originally described as a Lepiota from what is now the Republic of Congo.  It was collected in dry forest.

Bas placed the present species in his stirps Thiersii. See A. thiersii Bas for information on other taxa now placed in that stirps. -- R. E. Tulloss

Drawing: Dr. Cornelis Bas (1969) (reproduced by courtesy of Persoonia, Leiden, the Netherlands)

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Last changed 22 February 2009.
This page is maintained by R. E. Tulloss.
Copyright 2004, 2009 by Rodham E. Tulloss.
Drawing copyright 1969 by Persoonia.