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Amanita annulalbida A. E. Wood
"Wood's Lepidella"

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Technical description (t.b.d.)

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The following is largely based on the original description (Wood 1997).

The cap of Amanita annulalbida is up to 110 mm wide, pale to dull cream, sometimes towards dull-buff, convex then plane, smooth, dry, with a nonstriate and slightly appendiculate margin.  The volva is present as abundant with flat, fibrillose scales and concolorous to, somewhat more colored to grayish.

The gills are narrowly adnate to free, crowded or subdistant, thin, white to slightly off-white to slightly cream, with a concolorous edge.  Short gills are not described.

The stem is up to130 × 18 mm, white, discoloring with age, smooth or a little fibrillose.  The ring is membranous, persistent, flared, striate above, and white to cream.  The bulb is not abrupt, not with a distinct margin, and narrowing downward with a broadly rounded bottom.  The bulb does not have a free volva and mostly without volval remains. In some cases, the stem has indistinct zones or friable granular remains, particularly in younger specimens.

The spores measure 8.7 - 10.5 (-11.4) × (5.5-) 6.0 - 7.5 (-8.4) µm and are ellipsoid and amyloid.  Clamps are absent at bases of basidia.

Wood describes the mushroom as occurring in sclerophyll forests, "tall open forests," and under Allocasuarina littoralis from the state of New South Wales, Australia.  A sclerophyll forest in the Australian bush is a forest of hard-leaved plants including Eucalyptus in the overstory (wikipedia).

Wood places this species in Bas' stirps Straminea, which seems appropriate.
-- R. E. Tulloss and L. Possiel

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Last changed 28 September 2009.
This page is maintained by R. E. Tulloss.
Copyright 2006, 2009 by Rodham E. Tulloss.