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[ Keys & Checklist/Picturebooks ] "Thousand Barrels Lepidella" :: Technical description (t.b.d.) BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The following is largely based on the original description (Wood 1997). The cap of Amanita albidannulata is up to 90 mm wide, convex then plane, smooth to finely fibrillose, dry, dull cream to cream-buff to pale buff-brown, with a nonstriate and slightly appendiculate margin. Volval remains are present as large, flat, membranous, irregular warts, sometimes thickened, white to dull buff. The gills are free, crowded, thin, white to pale cream, with a concolorous margin. The short gills are present in at least two series. The stem is up to 100 × 15 mm, white to pale cream, smooth to finely fibrillose throughout, gradually swelling to an ellipsoid bulb at the base. The ring is prominent, skirt-like, persistent, membranous, rarely fragile, white to pale cream, and not striate above. The basal base is white, smooth, with no evidence of volva, but having scattered fibrillose zones on the lower stem above the bulb. The spores measure (7.2-) 8.1 - 9.6 (-10.2) × (5.7-) 6.3 - 7.8 (-8.4) µm and are broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid and amyloid. Clamps are absent at bases of basidia. Wood describes the mushroom as occurring in sclerophyll forests and under Allocasuarina littoralis from the state of New South Wales, Australia. A sclerophyll forest in the Australian bush is a forest of hard-leaved plants including Eucalyptus in the overstory (wikipedia). Wood places this species in Bas' stirps Straminea, however, he does not provide the information necessary to verify this. His description of the microscopic characters of the volva suggest that uninflated hyphae are not plentiful, which condition would be required in order to fit the definition of stirps Straminea. Since Bas' systematics of section Lepidella are so strongly dependant upon the structure of the volva, we reserve judgment on the placement of this species at the level of stirps. -- R. E. Tulloss and L. Possiel
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[ Keys & Checklist/Picturebooks ] Last changed 28 September 2009. |