This annotated checklist was developed for RET’s personal use. It is a draft document and subject to re-evaluation and expansion. It is hoped that workers in Australia and New Zealand will continue describing their fascinating amanitas and that overseas workers (including myself) will have further opportunities to examine type material and other collections in future years.
In this regard, RET is aware of an extensive set of collections of partially undiagnosed material assignable to Amanita at BRIP (Department of Primary Industries, Indooroopilly, Queensland). Considering only this set of collections, it seems clear that the number of Australian taxa of Amanita may be extended by 50 or more. Collections, including many types, are also to be found in ADW=>AD, DAR, K, NY, PDD, PERTH, UNSW, VPI=>NY. The symbol "=>" indicates a move of material from one herbarium to another.
Counts for endemic and introduced taxa known from New Zealand and Australia are presented in the table, below.
The introduced Eurasian taxa are as follows: Amanita muscaria, A. phalloides, and A. rubescens. Amanita cf. manicata may be an introduction to New Zealand, if the material is correctly determined. For the moment, we list A. cf. manicata as endemic to New Zealand.
Literature is referenced by way of five- or six-character codes in square brackets.
An asterisk next to a country or state/province/county name indicates that the type locality lies within that region.
Taxa in this list are numbered sequentially. A bullet (followed by a sequential counter) preceding a taxon entry indicates that RET has reviewed material of the taxon in question. This is true for a total of 22 taxa in this list, including all introduced or possibly introduced taxa. The number of New Zealand taxa is counted separately, and the counter follows the letters “NZ” in the initial “counter group” at the start of each New Zealand taxon list item. If the type of a species has been studied by RET or all material cited in an informal description of an unnamed or invalidly named taxon has been studied by RET, the “counter group” for the relevant entry will contain a counter preceded by the letter “t.”
Text for endemic taxa of Australia is in black type. Taxa for taxa endemic to New Zealand is in blue type. Taxa for alien taxa is in brown type.
In the following table, taxon names are links to the sectional taxa lists or individual alien taxa. A counts is provided for the number of endemic taxa of each section known from Australia; similar counts are provided for New Zealand. There are three alien Amanita species that have been introduced in the two countries; for these species, presence is indicated with a "+"; and absence, with a "-".
TAXON AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND Endemic species sect. Amanita 16 3 sect. Caesareae 8 0 sect. Vaginatae 11 3 sect. Amidella 5 0 sect. Lepidella 56 6 sect. Phalloideae 6 0 sect. Validae 18 4 No sect. assigned 1 0 Limacella 1 1 Total endemic 122 17 Introduced species Amanita muscaria + + Amanita phalloides + + Amanita rubescens + - Totals 125 19
I. Subgenus AmanitaAcknowledgments RET is very grateful to L. Albertella, A. Bennett, T. Cannon, E. M. Davison, K. Dawson, I. E. Dodd, H. Lepp, K. Symes, M. Wallace, and Drs. J. Aberdeen, C. Bas, N. Bougher, E. Davison, H. C. Mckenzie, D. N. Pegler, R. E. Halling, B. Paulus, G. S. Ridley, A. E. Wood, and A. M. Young for correspondence, publications, pictures, loans, and gifts of dried material, and/or for hosting him at various institutions. If one of RET’s correspondents is missing from this list, notice of the omission will be received gratefully; and a correction will be made.
B. Section Caesareae
- armeniaca A. E. Wood (Australia (NSW*)) [WOO97] (Spores: (7.4-) 8.1 - 10.2 × 6.9 - 9.6 µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.02 - 1.14.)
- austropulchella D. A. Reid [REI80] (This is still merged with A. xanthocephala in the taxon pages of this site; but RET is inclined to think it is a separate taxon based on Reid's type study. Spores [REI80]: 6.5 - 9.2 × 5.5 - 7.8 µm. (est Q' = 1.18).)
- •-1 austropulchella f. mcalpiniana (Cleland & Cheel) D. A. Reid [CLC14] [GIL41] [REI80] [SAC87] (Australia (NSW*)) (Yellow cap and yellow volva. Spores (RET): [22/1/1] (7.7-) 8.0 - 9.8 (-12.0) × (7.0-) 7.2 - 8.5 (-11.6) μm, (L = 8.6 μm; W = 7.7 μm; Q = 1.06 - 1.16 (-1.20); Q = 1.11).)
- conicogrisea A. E. Wood (Australia (NSW*)) [WOO97] (Spores: 9.9 - 11.7 × 7.2 - 8.7 µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.34.)
- crematelloides A. E. Wood (Australia (NSW*)) [WOO97] (Spores: (6.6-) 7.2 - 9.0 (-9.9) × (6.0-) 6.6 - 8.4 (-9.3) µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.10 - 1.19.)
- fibrillopes O. K. Mill. (Australia (WA*)) [MIL91] [DMB13] (Spores [DMB13]: [240/12/10] (8.5-) 9.0 - 12.0 (-14.0) × (5.0-) 6.0 - 7.5 (-8.0) μm, (L = 10.1 - 11.1 μm; L′ = 10.9 μm; W = 6.2- 7.0 μm; W′ = 6.6 μm; Q = (1.29-) 1.42 - 1.85 (-2.08); Q = 1.49 - 1.78; Q′ = 1.65).)
- •-2 t-1 murinoflammeum Tulloss, A. M. Young & A. E. Wood [TYW95] [WOO97] (Australia (ACT, QLD*)) (Conf. 4-sterig. Morphologically similar to A. umbrinella (below). Universal veil incoherent. Spores [from holotype (BRIP), isotypes (RET, YOUNG), and paratype (NY)]: [121/6/2] (9.8-) 10.5 - 13.2 (-16.5) × (7.0-) 8.2 - 11.0 (-14.8) µm, (L = 11.4 - 12.6 µm; L’ = 11.9 µm; W = 8.4 - 10.2 µm; W’ = 9.3 µm; Q = (1.10-) 1.15 - 1.47 (-1.65); Q = 1.21 - 1.43; Q’ = 1.29).)
- •-3. muscaria (L. : Fr.) Pers. (Australia (NSW, SA, TAS, VIC), New Zealand, widely distributed in Eurasia, occurring naturally in NW N. Amer., introduced in Australia and New Zealand and at sites in S. Amer. and Africa) [CLE34] [CLC24] [CFH84] [COO92] [GIL41] [MCA95] [REI80] [RID88] [SHT88] [RID91] [TAY81] [YOU86] [YOU94] [WOO97] Spores: [435/22/18] (7.4-) 8.5 - 11.5 (-13.1) × (5.6-) 6.5 - 8.5 (-9.8) µm, (L = (8.7-) 9.1 - 11.2 (-11.4) µm; L’ = 10.0 µm; W = (6.5-) 6.9 - 8.1 (-8.2) µm; W’ = 7.5 µm; Q = (1.11-) 1.21 - 1.47 (-1.75) µm; Q = 1.26 - 1.41 (-1.42) µm; Q’ = 1.34).)
- NZ-1. nigrescens G. Stev. [RID88] [RID91] [STE62] (New Zealand*) (Spores: 8 - 13 × 8 - 13 µm diam; Q = 1.0.)
- •-4 NZ-2. nehuta G. S. Ridl. [MKZ92] [RID88] [RID91] [STE62] [TAY81] (New Zealand*) (= A. farinosa sensu Taylor; = A. vaginata sensu G. Stev. in part. Spores [from protolog]: 6.5 - 9 × 5.5 - 8 µm; Q’ = 1.16. Spores [including from paratype]: [20/1/1] 6.5 - 7.6 (-8.4) × 5.6 - 6.7 µm, (L = 7.2 µm; L’ = 7.2 µm; W = 6.2 µm; W’ = 6.2 µm; Q = 1.08 - 1.25 (-1.28); Q = 1.16; Q’ = 1.16).)
- pulchella f. ellipticospora E.-J. Gilbert nom. inval. [GIL41] [REI80] (Australia (SA)) (Spores: 8.9 - 10.5 × 7 - 7.5 µm, (est. Q' = 1.35).)
- striatuloides A. E. Wood (Australia (QLD*)) [WOO97] (Spores: 8.7 - 10.2 × 7.5 - 9.3 µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.05 - 1.08.)
- subvaginata (Cleland & Cheel) E.-J. Gilbert [CLC23] [GIL41] [REI80] (Australia (NSW*)) (The original description of subvaginata (see under sect. Amanita, above) suggests A. farinosa [described from E N. Amer. & often claimed from E Asia]; but see also “nehuta” from New Zealand, above. Spores ([CLC23]): 7.5 - 9 µm. Spores (from drawings in [GIL41]): [6/3/3] (8.7-) 9.0 - 9.7 × (7.8-) 8.2 - 8.8 µm, (L’ = 9.4 µm; W’ = 8.6 µm; Q = 1.02 - 1.14 ; Q’ = 1.09).)
- •-5 NZ-3. taiepa G. S. Ridl. [MKZ92] [RID88] [RID91] [STE62] (New Zealand*) (=A. umbrinolutea sensu G. Stev. in part. Spores: 7.5 - 12 × 7.5 - 12 µm; Q’ = 1.03. Spores: [20/1/1] (7.5-) 7.9 - 9.4 (-9.9) × (7.0-) 7.4 - 8.5 (-9.4) µm, (L = 8.9 µm; W = 8.1 µm; Q = 1.05 - 1.13 (-1.14); Q = 1.10).)
- umbrinella E.-J. Gilbert & Cleland [CLC14] [CFH84] [FUH85] [GEN53] [GIL41] [GRG97] [MIL91] [REI80] (Australia (NSW, SA*, TAS, VIC, WA)) (= pantherina sensu Cleland & Cheel =A. bambra Grgur. [GRG97]. Dark gray to grayish brown to umber, etc.; fugacious volval limb; gills become purple in exsiccatae; very variable spores. Spores [GIL41]: 11.5 - 13.0 × 9.0 - 11.5 µm; est. Q’ = 1.20. Spores [GRG97]: 9.2 - 14.2 (-16.8) × 7.2 - 11.4 (-12.8) µm; Q’ = 1.2.)
- umbrinella sensu A. E. Wood (Australia (ACT, NSW, QLD)) [WOO97] (pallid gray-buff to pale mouse gray or mouse gray. An apparent misapplication. Spores: (10.5-) 11.4 - 13.5 (-14.7) × 8.7 - 10.5 (-11.4) µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.24 - 1.35 (-1.42).)
- umbrinelloides A. E. Wood (Australia (NSW*)) [WOO97] (Spores: (9.0-) 11.4 - 15.0 × (8.4-) 9.9 - 12.6 µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.07 - 1.15.)
- volvarielloides [RCM09] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores: [30/3/2] 8.7 - 10.3 × 7.8 - 9.0 μm, (Q = 1.01 - 1.25).)
- xanthocephala (Berk.) D. A. Reid & Hilton f. xanthocephala [= austro-pulchella D. A. Reid = Agaricus pulchellus Cooke & Massee] [BER45] [CLC14] [CMA89] [COO92] [GEN53] [GIL41] [KUN98] [MCA95] [MIL91] [REI80] [SAC91] [SHT88] [WOO97] [YOU94] (Australia (NSW, QLD, SA, VIC, WA*)) (Spores from Reid's type study [REI80]: 6.5 - 8.0 × 5.0 = 6.2 μm, (est. Q = 1.30).)
- •-6 sp-AUS04 (Australia (NSW)) (Spores: t.b.d.)
C. Section Vaginatae
- •-7 t-2. cinereoannulosa Cleland [CLE33] [CLE34] [GIL41] [REI80] (Australia (SA*)) (Spores: [114/6/1] (9.3-) 9.9 - 14.7 (-20.3) × (5.6-) 6.4 - 8.6 (-10.2) µm, (L = 11.2 - 12.3 (-13.7) µm; L’ = 12.2 µm; W = 7.1 - 7.6 µm; W’ = 7.4 µm; Q = (1.33-) 1.40 - 1.99 (-2.23); Q = 1.58 - 1.66 (-1.83); Q’ = 1.66).)
- •-8 t-3. egregia D. A. Reid [ABE79] [REI78] [REI80] [WOO97] (Australia (QLD*)) (=egregina A. E. Wood) (Conf. 4-sterig. In [ABE79] as “egregaria” (sic). Spores [including from holotype in K]: [120/5/4] (7.0-) 9.1 - 11.2 (-13.0) × (6.5-) 7.7 - 9.5 (-11.6) µm, (L = 9.6 - 10.6 µm; L’ = 10.1 µm; W = 8.2 - 9.1 µm; W’ = 8.9 µm; Q = (1.05-) 1.09 - 1.24 (-1.55); Q = 1.14 - 1.17; Q’ = 1.16. Spores [from protolog of A. egregina: 10.5 - 12.0 (-13.5) × (8.4-) 9.3 - 10.5 (-11.1) µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.16.)
- egregia sensu A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW, QLD)) (A misapplication. Spores: (9.6-) 10.5 - 11.7 × (7.1-) 8.7 - 9.3 µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.19 - 1.36.)
- •-9 t-4. illudens Sacc. [CMA87] [COO92] [MCA95] [REI80] [SAC91] (Australia (VIC*)) (Small ochraceous yellow; volva darker to concolorous. Note that volva is slightly fragile. There are patches on the pileus of the lectotype. Spores [from lectotype (K)]: [27/1/1] (7.2-) 8.0 - 9.4 (-11.3) × (6.6-) 6.7 - 7.8 (-8.4) µm, (L = 8.9 µm; W = 7.0 µm; Q = (1.05-) 1.07 - 1.37 (-1.64); Q = 1.26).)
- pallidofumosa A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*, QLD)) (Spores: 10.5 - 12.0 (-13.2) × 7.2 - 9.6 (-10.2) µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.27 - 1.52.)
- •-10. roseolamellata A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*, QLD)) (Spores: (9.6-) 9.9 - 12.6 × 6.3 - 9.0 µm; Q = 1.49 - 1.56 (-1.71). Spores from non-type NSW mat’l.: [98/5/5] (8.5-) 9.5 - 12.7 (-16.2) × (5.9-) 6.1 - 8.5 (-9.0) μm, (L = 10.4 - 12.1 μm; L' = 11.1 μm; W = 6.8 - 7.3 μm; W' = 7.1 μm; Q = (1.31-) 1.36 - 1.79 (-2.0); Q = 1.45 - 1.68; Q' = 1.56.)
- •-11. sp-AUS02 (Australia (QLD)) (Brownish red cap with yellow margin; white stipe with yellow patches; spores: [40/2/1] (8.5-) 8.7 - 11.2 (-12.1) × (5.9-) 6.0 - 7.4 (-8.2) μm, (L = 9.3 - 10.1 μm; L' = 9.7 μm; W = 6.5 - 6.8 μm; W' = 6.7 μm; Q = (1.31-) 1.34 - 1.67 (-1.83); Q = 1.44 - 1.49; Q' = 1.46).)
- •-12. sp-AUS03 (Australia (QLD)) (Almost entirely red cap; yellow stipe with orange patches; spores: [40/2/1] (8.4-) 8.5 - 10.2 (-11.3) × (4.3-) 5.6 - 6.5 (-7.4) μm, (L = 9.3 - 9.6 μm; L' = 9.4 μm; W = 6.1 - 6.3 μm; W' = 6.2 μm; Q = (1.31-) 1.40 - 1.68 (-1.95); Q = 1.53 - 1.54; Q' = 1.54).)
II. Subgenus Lepidella
- albovolvata A. E. Wood (Australia (NSW*, QLD)) [WOO97] Conf. 4-sterig. (Spores: 9.3 - 12.6 × 8.1 - 10.8 µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.11 - 1.20 (-1.30).)
- •-13 t-8. cheelii P. M. Kirk [CLC19] [FUH85] [GIL41] [REI80] [YOU94] (Australia (NSW*, QLD, VIC, WA)) (Conf. 4-sterig. This name is commonly misapplied to one or more species with, among other things, smaller spores. Spores (from lectotype and syntypes in AD & BPI): [96/5/5] (10.5-) 11.7 - 15.6 (-21) × (9.9-) 11.4 - 14.7 (-20) µm, (L = 12.8 - 14.2 µm; L’ = 13.5 µm; W = 11.9 - 13.4 µm; W’ = 12.7 µm; Q = (1.01-) 1.02 - 1.09 (-1.12); Q = 1.04 - 1.07; Q’ = 1.06).)
- drummondii E. M. Davison [DGM15] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores [DGM15]: [220/11/9] (9.0-) 10.0 - 13.0 (-15.0) × (7.5-) 8.0 - 10.5 (-12.0) μm, (L = 10.4 - 12.3 μm; L’ = 11.1 μm; W = 8.8 - 9.8 μm; W’ = 9.2 μm; Q = (1.0-) 1.09 - 1.33 (-1.76); Q = 1.16 - 1.26; Q’ = 1.21).)
- a href="?Amanita%20myrmeciae">myrmeciae Tulloss, Kudzma & Albertella nom. prov. (Australia (NSW)) (Spores: [11/1/1] (8.6-) 9.0 - 11.2 (-12.5) × (7.6-) 8.0 - 10.5 (-11.4) μm, (L = 10.6 μm; W = 9.6 μm; Q = 1.06 - 1.18; Q 1.10).)
- pallidobrunnea A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*, QLD)) (Spores: (8.6-) 10.0 - 12.5 × (7.1-) 7.7 -9.6 (-11.1) µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.20 - 1.35 (-1.45).)
- pallidochracea A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores: (8.3-) 9.7 - 10.8 × 5.1 - 6.6 µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.81.)
- •-14 NZ-4 t-5. pekeoides G. S. Ridl. sensu stricto [MKZ92] [RID88] [RID91] [STE62] (New Zealand*) (=A. umbrinolutea sensu G. Stev. in part; = A. vaginata sensu G. Stev. in part. Conf. 4-sterig. Spores (from holotype and paratypes in PDD and K): [200/10/7] (8.4-) 10.2 - 13.5 (-17.5) × (7.5-) 9.5 - 12.6 (-17.0) µm, (L = (10.9-) 11.5 - 12.8 µm; L’ = 12.0 µm; W = (10.0-) 10.2 - 11.8 µm; W’ = 11.1 µm; Q = (1.03-) 1.04 - 1.15 (-1.58); Q = 1.06 - 1.10 (-1.13); Q’ = 1.09).)
- •-15 NZ-5 t-6. pekeoides G. S. Ridl. “friable volva individuals” [RID88] [RID91] [STE62] (New Zealand*) (=punctata sensu G. Stev. Conf. 4-sterig. Universal veil incoherent. Spores: [80/3/2] (10.5-) 11.0 - 14.0 (-21.2) × (10.0-) 10.2 - 13.5 (-20.0) µm, (L = 12.2 - 12.3 µm; L’ = 12.3 µm; W = 11.6 - 11.8 µm; W’ = 11.7 µm; Q = (1.0-) 1.02 - 1.09 (-1.13); Q = 1.04 - 1.06; Q’ = 1.05).)
- •-16 NZ-6 t-7. pekeoides G. S. Ridl. “white individuals” [RID88] [RID91] (New Zealand*) (Spores: [78/4/3] (9.5-) 11.3 - 13.9 (-22) × (8.6-) 10.0 - 13.0 (-17.5) µm, (L = 12.0 - 13.1 µm; L’ = 12.4 µm; W = 11.0 - 11.8 µm; W’ = 11.3 µm; Q = (1.04-) 1.05 - 1.16 (-1.37); Q = 1.09 - 1.11; Q’ = 1.10).)
- punctata sensu A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW)) (Apparently a misapplication. Spores: 10.0 - 12.0 (-13.8) × 9.7 - 11.6 µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.02 - 1.03.)
- subvaginata sensu A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW, QLD) (Clearly a misapplication; the true A. subvaginata belongs in section Amanita (above). Possibly, multiple taxa are treated under this name by Wood. Spores: 7.8 - 10.5 × 6.7 - 9.0 (-10.5) µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.08 - 1.11.)
- sordidobubalina A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores: 10.0 - 12.6 (-13.5) × (9.6-) 10.0 - 12.6 µm; Q = 1.01 - 1.09.)
- vaginata sensu A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW, QLD)) (Lacks lamellulae for the most part. Spores: (9.1-) 10.2 - 13.5 × (8.6-) 9.9 - 12.3 µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.02 - 1.14.)
- sp. [SHT88] (No data given, only a photo.)
B. Section Lepidella
- •-17 t-9. curta (Cooke & Massee) E.-J. Gilbert [CMA88] [COO92] [GIL41] [KUN98] [MCA95] [REI80] [SAC91] (Australia (VIC*)) (Spores (from holotype in K): [22/1/1] 10.8 - 14.5 (-17.7) × (5.0-) 5.2 - 7.5 (-8.4) µm; (L = 12.7 µm; W = 6.3 µm; Q = (1.44-) 1.78 - 2.66 (-3.04); Q = 2.05).)
- •-18 t-10. grisea Massee & Rodway [CLE34] [GIL41] [MRO01] [REI80] [WOO97] (Australia (TAS*)) (Spores (from holotype in K): [40/1/1] (8.5-) 9.0 - 12.5 (-14.2) × (7.0-) 7.3 - 9.9 (-10.9) µm, (L = 10.8 µm; W = 8.4 µm; Q = (1.05-) 1.06 - 1.49 (-1.53); Q = 1.29).)
- pallidogrisea A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*).) (Wood placed this and A. grisea in section Validae despite being volvate and exannulate. Spores [WOO97]: 9.3 - 11.4 (-12.0) ×7.2 - 8.7 (-9.6) µm; avg. Q per collection = 1.29 - 1.32.)
- persicina sensu Bas ined. (Australia (WA)). (Spores (Bas’ notes): [20/2/?] 9.8 - 11.2 (-11.5) × (5.9-) 6.2 - 7.3 µm, (L = 10.3 - 10.6 µm; L’ = 10.5 µm; W = 6.6 - 6.7 µm; W’ = 6.6 µm; Q = (1.40-) 1.44 - 1.77 (-1.86); Q = 1.54 - 1.63; Q’ = 1.58).)
- sp. “Gentilli 8” (Australia (WA)) Spores (Bas’ notes): 9 - 11 × 7 - 8 µm; est. Q’ = 1.35.)
C. Section Phalloideae
- albidannulata A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [W0097]: (7.2-) 8.1 - 9.6 (-10.2) × (5.7-) 6.3 - 7.8 (-8.4) µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.16 - 1.33).)
- albidoides A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: 9.6 - 11.4 × (5.7-) 6.0 - 7.2 µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.55 - 1.65.)
- albifimbriata O. K. Mill. [MIL91] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores: 7.6 - 10.5 × (5.4-) 6.3 - 7.6 (-8) µm, Q = 1.32)
- albosquamosa A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: (8.7-) 9.0 - 11.1 (-12.0) × 6/9 - 8.4 (-9.0) µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.25 - 1.38.)
- alboverrucosa A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: (8.7-) 9.6 - 11.7 × (6.4-) 7.1 - 9.3 µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.21 - 1.28.)
- allostraminea A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: 9.9 - 11.4 (-13.5) × 8.4 - 10.5 (-11.1) µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.17.)
- ananiceps (Berk.) Sacc. [BAS69] [BER48] [COO92] [FUH85] [GIL41] [MCA95] [MIL91] [REI80] [SAC87] [YOU86] (Australia (NSW, SA, TAS*, VIC, WA)) (Also appears in lit. as “ananaeceps.” Spores: (9-) 9.5 - 11.5 × (6.5-) 7 - 8 (-8.5) µm; Q = 1.35)
- ananaecepitoides A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Solitariae/Grossa?} (Australia (NSW*, SA, TAS, VIC, WA)) (Spores [WOO97]: 8.7 - 11.1 (-11.7) × 5.1 - 6.9 (-7.5) µm, avg. Q per collection ?= 1.33 - 1.58 [must be typo in original?].)
- angustispora Cleland [CLE27] [CLE34] [GIL41] [REI80] (Australia (NSW, SA*, WA)) (Spores: 8.8 - 13.2 × (4.5-) 5 - 6.6 µm; est. Q’ = 1.9)
- annulalbida A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: 8.7 - 10.5 (-11.4) × (5.5-) 6.0 - 7.5 (-8.4) µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.36 - 1.58.)
- austrostraminea D. A. Reid [BAS69] [CLE27] [CLE34] [HP84] [REI78] [REI80] (Australia (SA)*) (=A. straminea Cleland, non A. straminea Secr. nom. inval. Spores BAS69: 10.5 - 12 (-13.5) × (6-) 6.5 - 8 µm; Q = 1.5 - 1.7.)
- austroviridis O. K. Mill. [MIL92] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores: (9.2-) 10.0 - 12.6 × 5.0 - 6.7 µm; Q = 1.88)
- basibulbosa A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: (7.1-) 8.4 - 9.6 (-10.6) ×(6.8-) 7.4 - 9.6 µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.15 - 1.19.)
- carneiphylla O. K. Mill. [MIL91] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores: 10 - 12 × 5 - 6 µm; Q = 2.17)
- chlorophylla A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: 9.3 - 11.4 (-11.7) × 5.4 - 6.6 (-6.9) µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.65 - 1.87.)
- cinerascens A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: (7.8-) 9.6 - 12.3 × (5.2-) 6.0 - 8.1 µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.39 - 1.52 (-1.66).)
- clelandii E.-J. Gilbert [GIL41] [REI80] (Australia (SA*)) (Perhaps this should be considered to be in either Section Phalloideae or Section Lepidella; however, E.-J. Gilbert and D. A. Reid both felt it was close to A. angustispora; and it is collected in the same region as the latter species. Spores: According to Reid (1980): “9.0 - 16.0 × 4.5 - 6.0, amyloid[; est. Q’ = 2.4].” According to Cleland’s note (Reid, 1980): “11.2 - 16.8 × 5.0 - 5.6 µm[; est. Q’ = 2.6].” According to Gilbert (1941): “13 - 16 × 5.5 - 6.8 µm[; est. Q’ = 2.35].”)
- conicobulbosa Cleland [BAS69] [CLE31] [CLE34] [GEN53] [GIL41] [REI80] (Australia (SA*)) (Spores: 10 - 13 (-14.5) × (5-) 6 - 7.5 µm; Q = 1.7 - 2.1)
- conicoverrucosa A. E. Wood [WOO97] {Solitariae/Ravenelii?} (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [Woo97]: (8.7-) 9.0 - 10.5 × 7.5 - 9.9 (-10.5) µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.05 - 1.22.)
- dumosorum D. A. Reid [REI78] [REI80] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores: 7.0 - 8.75 × 6.0 - 6.75 µm; est. Q = 1.25.)
- effusa (Kalchbr.) D. A. Reid [KAL81] [REI78] [REI80] [SAC88] (Australia (?”Daylesford”*)) (Possibly conspecific with A. strobilacea, below. Spores: 8 - 12 × 6.75 - 9 µm; est. Q = 1.25.)
- elongatispora A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: 9.0 - 11.1 × 4.4 - 5.8 µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.95 - 1.98.)
- farinacea (Cooke) Cleland & Cheel [BAS69] [CMA89] [CLE34] [CLC14] [CFH84] [COO92] [GIL41] [KUN98] [MCA95] [REI80] [SAC91a] [YOU94] (Australia (QLD*)) (Spores: 9 - 10.5 × (6.5-) 7 - 9 µm; Q = 1.3)
- flaviphylla O. K. Mill. [MIL91] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores: 11 - 13 × 5 - 6 µm; Q = 2.3)
- gracilenta A. E. Wood [WOO97] {Solitariae/Straminea?} (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: 8.1 - 9.9 (-11.0) × 4.5 - 6.1 (-6.6) µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.65 - 1.69.)
- gossypinoannulata D. A. Reid [MIL91] [REI78] [REI80] (Australia (VIC*)) (Volva somewhat felt-like; don’t know if cap margin is appendiculate; annulus is thick and cottony. Spores: 7.0 - 10.0 × 6.2 - 9.0 µm; est. Q = 1.2.)
- griseibrunnea O. K. Mill. [MIL91] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores: (9-) 10 - 14 × 5 - 6 (-7) µm; Q = 2.17)
- griseoconia D. A. Reid [REI78] [REI80] [WOO97] (Australia (VIC*)) (Spores: 7.8 - 11 × 6.8 - 9 µm; est. Q = 1.2)
- griseovelata D. A. Reid [REI78] [REI80] [WOO97] (Australia (VIC*)) (Bas feels this belongs in the Validae according to marginalia in his copy of [REI78]. Wood also places this in the Validae. Spores: 7 - 10 (-11.5) × 6.8 - 8.5 (-10.5) µm; est. Q’ = 1.15.)
- grossa (Berk.) Sacc. [BAS69] [BER60] [CLE24] [CLE34] [CLC19] [COO92] [GIL41] [MCA95] [REI80] [SAC87] (Australia (TAS*)) (Spores: 11 - 12.5 (-13.5) × (6.5-) 7 - 8.5 µm; Q = 1.6)
- grossa sensu Aberdeen [ABE79] [BAS69] (Australia (QLD)) (Spores: 9 - 12 × 6.5 - 7.5 µm; Q = 1.45)
- hiltonii D. A. Reid [REI78] [REI80] (Australia (NSW, WA*)) (Spores: 7 - 9.5 (-10) × 4.75 - 6.2 µm; est. Q = 1.51)
- ingwa Grgur. [GRG97] (Australia (SA*).) (Spores per protolog: [50/1] 8.4 - 12.0 × 5.7 - 7.9 µm, (L’ = 10.2 µm; W’ = 6.9 µm; Q’ = 1.5).)
- •-19 NZ-7. inopinata D. A. Reid & Bas [REI87] {Vittadiniae/“Inopinata”} (Netherlands, New Zealand, UK*.) (This species is not obligately mycorrhizal. It is presently thought to have been exported from New Zealand to Europe. Spores per D. A. Reid: 8 - 9 × 6 -7 µm; est. Q’ = 1.3. Spores per Bas: (8.7-) 9.2 - 10.2 (-10.8) × 6 - 8.8 (-9.2) µm; est. Q’ = 1.35).
- kammala Grgur. [GRG97] (Australia (SA*)) (Spores [per protolog]: (9.6-) 10.8 - 14.6 × 5.4 - 7.8 µm, (L’ = 12.1 µm; W’ = 6.2 µm; Q’ = 1.95).)
- lesueurii E. M. Davison [DMB13] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores [per protolog]: [200/10/5] (9.0-) 10.5 - 13.0 (-14.0) × 5.0 - 6.5 (-7.0) μm, (L = 11.1 - 12.4 μm; L’ = 11.7 μm, W = 5.5 - 6.2 μm; W’ = 5.8 μm; Q = (1.62-) 1.82 - 2.33 (-2.60); Q = 1.90 - 2.26; Q’ = 2.03).)
- loricata Gentilli nom. inval. [BAS69] [GEN53] [MIL91] [REI80] (Australia (?WA)) (nsufficiently known. Proposed type apparently lost.)
- luteivolvata O. K. Mill. [MIL92] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores: (9.0-) 10.0 - 13.0 (-14.0) × (5.0-) 5.5 - 7.5 (-8.6) µm; Q = 1.62)
- •-20 NZ-8. cf. manicata (Berk. & Broome) Pegler [PEG86] (Sri Lanka*, ?New Zealand, ?USA (Hawaii)) (This species is apparently not obligately mycorrhizal. Spores [PEG86]: 7.3 - 8.7 × 5.7 - 8.0 µm; Q = 1.28. Spores of New Zealand material: [138/7/2] (7.0-) 8.0 - 11.9 (-14.3) × (5.0-) 6.6 - 10.2 (-12.4) µm, (L = 8.6 - 9.5 (-10.6) µm; L’ = 9.3 µm; W = 7.4 - 8.9 (-9.3) µm; W’ = 8.1 µm; Q = (1.02-) 1.05 - 1.33 (-1.83); Q = 1.10 - 1.20 (-1.23); Q’ = 1.16).)
- NZ-9. mumura G. S. Ridl. [MKZ92] [RID88] [RID91] (New Zealand*) (Spores: (8-) 9 - 12 × (6-) 6.5 - 8.5 µm; Q = 1.40)
- •-21 t-11. [cf.?] nauseosa (Wakefield) D. A. Reid [BAS69] [GUZ75] [YOU82] [YOU86] [YOU94] (Australia (NSW, WA)) (The species is known from several botanical gardens and occurs in nature in the Caribbean region—insular and mainland locations. The most northern collection in N. Amer. is an isolated occurrence in Balitmore, Maryland, USA. The status in Australia is not clear to me. This species is not obligately mycorrhizal. First report from Australia in [YOU82]. Spores [including holotypes of all synonymized taxa, mat’l. from botanical gardens and Caribbean region]: [560/27/17] (6.0-) 7.0 - 10.0 (-13.5) × (4.9-) 6.1 - 8.3 (-11.1) µm, (L = 7.4 - 9.4 (-9.6) µm; L’ = 8.4 µm; W = (6.3-) 6.5 - 7.7 (-7.9) µm; W’ = 7.1 µm; Q = (1.0-) 1.05 - 1.40 (-1.86); Q = (1.08-) 1.09 - 1.33 (-1.34); Q’ = 1.19).)
- ochraceobulbosa A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*, QLD)) (Spores [WOO97]: 9.3 - 11.7 × (7.3-) 8.1 - 9.6 (-10.2) µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.09 - 1.30.)
- ochrophylla (Cooke & Massee) Cleland [ABE79] [BAS69] [CLE24] [CLE34] [CLC14] [CFH84] [CMA89] [FUH85] [GIL41] [GUZ75] [REI80] [RIC37] [SAC91] [SHT88] [YOU86] [YOU94] (Australia (NSW, QLD*, SA, VIC)) (Illus. in [SHT88] seems swapped with that of A. preissii. Spores [BAS69]: 9.0 - 11.0 × 5.5 - 7.0 µm; Q = 1.5 - 1.8.)
- ochrophylloides D. A. Reid [REI78] [REI80] (Australia (VIC*)) (Something unreliable in the spore measurements? Spores in print: 7 - 9 × 6.5 - 8.5 µm; est. Q = 1.05. Spores from gill: 7 - 10 × 5 - 8 µm; est. Q = 1.3)
- ochroterrea Gentilli ex Bas [BAS69] [GEN53] [MIL91] [REI80] (Australia (WA*)) (=Amanita brunneiphylla O. K. Mill.) (Spores [BAS69]: (10-) 11 - 13 (-13.5) × 5 - 6.5 µm; Q = 2.1. Spores from protolog of A. brunneiphylla [MIL91]: (8-) 9 - 10.8 × 4.1 - 5 µm; Q = 2.13. Spores [DAVI12]: [161/9/8] (8-) 9.5 - 13 (-15) × (4-)4.5 - 6 (-6.5) μm, L = 10.1 - 11.7 μm; L′ = 11.0 μm; W = 4.7 - 5.6 μm; W′ = 5.2 μm; Q (1.67-) 1.82 - 2.44 (-3.0), Q = 2.0 - 2.23; Q′ = 2.13).)
- pagetodes D. A. Reid [REI78] [REI80] (Australia (VIC*)) (Spores: 7 - 10.2 × 7.2 - 8.75 (-10) µm; est. Q = 1.1)
- NZ-10. pareparina G. S. Ridl. [MKZ92] [RID88] [RID91] (New Zealand*) (Spores: 8 - 12 × (6.5-) 8 - 10.5 µm; Q = 1.09)
- preissii (Fries) Saccardo f. preissii [BAS69] [COO92] [GEN53] [MCA95] [MIL91] [REI80] [SAC87] [SHT88] [YOU94] (Australia (NSW, WA*)) (Illus. in [SHT88] seems to be switched with that of A. ochrophylla. Spores: (9.5-) 10 - 12 (-12.5) × 5.5 - 6 µm; Q = 1.9 - 2.0)
- preissii f. levis Gentilli nom. inval. [BAS69] [GEN53] [MIL91] [REI80] (Australia (WA)) (Insufficiently known. Proposed type apparently lost.)
- NZ-11. pumatona G. S. Ridl. [MKZ92] [RID88] [RID91] (New Zealand*) (Spores: 9 - 12 × 5.5 - 9 µm; Q = 1.55.)
- pyramidifera D. A. Reid [REI78] [REI80] (Australia (VIC*)) (Spores: 8 - 13.5 × 7 - 9 µm; est. Q = 1.35)
- pyramidiferina A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: (7.2-) 10.5 - 12.6 × (5.1-) 6.9 - 9.0 µm, avg. Q per specimen = 1.33 - 1.71.)
- quenda E. M. Davison [DGM15] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores [DGM15]: [160/8/5] (8-) 9 - 13 (–15) × 5 - 7.5 μm (L = 9.7 - 12.7 μm; L’ = 10.9 μm; W = 5.4 - 7.2 μm; W’ = 6.2 μm; Q = (1.29-) 1.47 - 2.00 (-2.14); Q = 1.49 - 1.94; Q’ = 1.76).)
- •-22 t-12. rosea D. A. Reid [REI78] [REI80] (Australia (VIC*)) (Spores (type): [25/1/1] (9.5-) 11.2 - 15.8 × 6.1 - 8.5 µm, (L = 12.9 µm; W = 7.4 µm; Q = (1.45-) 1.49 - 2.08 (-2.21); Q = 1.74).)
- strobilacea (Cooke) Sacc. [BAS69] [COO91] [COO92] [GIL41] [MCA95] [REI80] [SAC95] (Australia (VIC*)) (Cf. A. effusa, above. Spores [BAS69]: (7.5-) 8 - 10 × 6.5 - 9 µm; Q = 1.2.)
- subalbida Cleland [BAS69] [CLE31] [CLE34] [GIL41] [REI80] (Australia (QLD, SA, WA*)) (Spores [BAS69]: 10 - 12.5 (-13.5) × 5.5 - 7 (-8) µm; Q = 1.65 - 1.8.)
- sublutea (Cleland) E.-J. Gilbert [BAS69] [CLE31] [GIL41] [REI80] (Australia (SA*)) (Spores [BAS69]: (11-) 11.5 - 13 (-13.5) × 6.5 - 7.5 (-8) µm; Q = 1.8.)
- wadjukiorum E. M. Davison [DMB13] (Australia (WA*)) (spores [DMB13]: [220/11/10] (8.0–)9.0–12.0(–14.0) × (5.5–)6.0–7.0(–8.0) μm, (L = 9.1–11.6 μm; L’ = 10.1 μm, W = 5.9–6.7 μm; W’ = 6.4 μm; Q = (1.33–)1.42–1.82(–2.00)).)
- sp-AUS01 [my notes] (Australia (QLD)) (Yellow staining in only known collection. Spores: [20/1/1] 9.0 - 11.0 (-11.5) × (6.0-) 6.2 - 7.0 (-7.5) µm, (L = 10.0 µm; W = 6.6 µm; Q = (1.31-) 1.32 - 1.62 (-1.81); Q = 1.52).)
- species indet. 1 of Bas (=Amanitopsis sublutea Cleland pro parte.) [BAS69] (Australia (SA)) (Spores [BAS69]: 11.5 - 13.5 (-14.5) × 5.5 - 6.5 µm; Q = 2.15)
- species indet. 2 of Bas (=Amanitopsis straminea Cleland pro parte.) [BAS69] (Australia (SA)) (Spores [BAS69]: 9.5 - 12 × 5 - 6.5 µm; Q = 1.8)
- NZ-12. sp-Ridley-2 [RID88] [RID91] (New Zealand) ("Noddy's Cap." Spores: 9 - 12 × 9 - 12 µm; Q = ca. 1.0)
D. Section Validae
- austrophalloides A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: 6.2 - 8.9 × 5.5 - 8.3 µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.08.)
- eucalypti O. K. Mill. [MIL91] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores: 8 - 12 × 6 - 7.5 (-8.5) µm; Q = 1.66)
- •-23. marmorata Cleland & E.-J. Gilbert [GIL41] [REI80] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [REI80]: 7.0 - 9.5 × 5.0 - 7.5 (-8.0) µm; est. Q = 1.3. Spores: [80/4/1] (6.8-) 7.5 - 10.0 (-11.8) × (5.8-) 6.2 - 8.0 (-9.5) µm, (L = 8.1 - 9.1 µm; L’ = 8.6 µm; W = 6.8 - 7.2 µm; W’ = 7.0 µm; Q = (1.06-) 1.11 - 1.40 (-1.67); Q = 1.17 - 1.29; Q’ = 1.22).)
- murinaster A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (ACT, NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: 7.5 - 9.6 × 6.3 - 8.4 µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.12 - 1.17.)
- neomurina [ABE79] [CLC14] [CMA89] [COO92] [GIL41] [MCA95] [REI80] [SAC91] [SHT88] [TRH14] (Australia (QLD*)) (Amanita murina (Cooke & Massee) Sacc. is a later homonym of Amanita murina Roques ex Gillet. The basionym was also invalid as a later homonym of Agaricus murinus Batsch. Gilbert [GIL41] thought this might be the same as Amanita marmorata. Cleland & Cheel made the combination a third time in 1914 and misapplied the name to A. grisella fide E.-J. Gilbert [GIL41: 41]. Spores: 7.0 - 10.0 × 6.2 - 8.0 µm; est. Q = 1.2.)
- peltigera D. A. Reid [REI78] [REI80] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores (type): [20/1] (7.6-) 7.9 - 10.1 (-11.9) × (6.3-) 6.7 - 8.5 (-9.1) µm; Q = 1.23.)
- •-24. phalloides (Fr.) Link in Willd. [GIL41] [REI80] [RID88] [SHT88] [RID91] [STE62] [TAY81] [YOU86] [YOU94] (Australia (NSW, VIC), New Zealand) (Spores from Europe and W. Hemisphere introductions: [296/15/14] (7.5-) 8.0 - 10.1 (-13.5) × (5.5-) 6.1 - 8.0 (-10.5) µm, (L = 8.3 - 9.3 (-9.5) µm; L’ = 8.9 µm; W = (6.4-) 6.8 - 7.4 µm; W’ = 7.1 µm; Q = (1.03-) 1.12 - 1.47 (-1.70); Q = 1.20 - 1.33 (-1.40); Q’ = 1.26).)
III. Limacella
- •-25 NZ-13. australis G. Stev. [RID88] [RID91] [RID93] [STE62] [TAY81] (New Zealand*) (=A. excelsa sensu G. Stev. p.p.=Limacella macrospora G. Stev.=Oudemansiella macrospora (G. Stev.) Horak. Spores per protolog: 9 - 12 × 8 - 9 µm; est. Q’ = 1.12. Spores (per Ridley thesis): (8.0-) 9.0 - 12.0 (-14.5) × (7.0-) 8.0 - 10.5 µm; Q = 1.0 - 1.33 (-1.60); est. Q’ = 1.17. Spores: [40/2/1] (8.8-) 9.0 - 11.0 (-12.8) × (8.0-) 8.2 - 10.2 (-11.5) µm, (L = 9.8 - 10.2 µm; L’ = 10.0 µm; W = 9.2 - 9.5 µm; W’ = 9.3 µm; Q = 1.02 - 1.15 (-1.17); Q = 1.07 - 1.08; Q’ = 1.07).)
- austrobulbosa Grgur. [GRG97] (Australia (SA*)) (Spores: [32/1/1] 9.6 - 12.8 × 6.0 - 8.2 μm, (est. Q = 1.50 - 1.60; L = 11.0 μm; W = 6.9 μm; Q = 1.60).)
- basiorubra O. K. Mill. [MIL92] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores: 7.6 - 9.0 × 5.5 - 6.7 µm; Q = 1.39.)
- brunneibulbosa O. K. Mill. [MIL91] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores: 8 - 10 × 5 - 6.5 µm; Q = 1.47.)
- brunneistriatula O. K. Mill. [MIL91] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores: [-/-/1] 9 - 11 × 7 - 8.5 μm, (Q = 1.13 - 1.57; Q' = 1.37).)
- flavella E.-J. Gilbert & Cleland [GIL41] [REI80] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores: 8.0 - 8.5 × 5.0 - 6.5 µm; est. Q = 1.45)
- fuscobrunnea A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: (5.7-) 6.6 - 7.5 × 5.4 - 6.6 µm, (Q = 1.13; est. Q’ = 1.2.)
- fuscosquamosa A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia ((NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: 7.2 - 8.4 (-8.7) × 5.4 - 7.2 µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.20.)
- grisea sensu A. E. Wood [GIL41] [REI80] [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Wood misapplied this name; see A. grisea in sect. Amidella, above. Spores [WOO97]: 8.7 - 11.4 × (5.4) 6.0 - 7.5 (-8.1) μm, (Q = 1.45 - 1.60).
- grisella E.-J. Gilbert & Cleland var. grisella [GIL41] [REI80] [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Wood may have misapplied the name; see A. grisella sensu Wood, below. Spores from drawings of [GIL41]: [3/1/1] 8.5 - 9.8 × 7.0 - 8.5 µm, (L = 9.0 µm; W = 7.6 µm; Q = 1.15 - 1.26; Q = 1.20). Spores [REI80]: 6.9 - 9.5 × 6 - 8 µm; est. Q’ = 1.17.)
- grisella sensu Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW, QLD)) (Seems to be a misapplication. Spores: (7.5-) 8.4 - 9.9 (-12.3) × (5.4-) 6.0 - 7.5 (-9.9) µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.19 - 1.35.)
- griselloides D. A. Reid [MIL91] [REI78] [REI80] (Australia (WA*)) (Proper placement to section is difficult. The cap margin is not reported as appendiculate; however the spores and the felted, layered volval patch on the pileus definitely suggests section Lepidella. Spores: 8.2 - 12.5 × 6.0 - 7.0 (-8.5) µm; est. Q = 1.6.)
- ingwa Grgur. [GRG07] (Australia (SA*)) (Spores: [50/1/1] 8.4 - 12.0 × 5.7 - 7.9 μm, (L = 10.2 μm; W = 6.9 μm; est. Q = 1.40 - 1.60; Q = 1.50).)
- kalamundae [as “kalamundi”] O. K. Mill. [MIL91] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores: 8.4 - 11 (-12) × (5-) 6.5 - 8.4 µm; Q = 1.45.)
- NZ-14. karea G. S. Ridl. [MKZ92] [RID88] [RID91] [STE62] (New Zealand*) (=A. excelsa sensu G. Stev. in part. Spores: 6.5 - 9 × 5.5 - 6.5 (-8) µm; Q = 1.32.)
- luteofusca Cleland & E.-J. Gilbert [GIL41] [REI80] (Australia (SA*)) (Volva similar to that of A. griselloides, above. Spores: 7.0 - 11.0 × 7.0 - 10.0 µm; est. Q = 1.05)
- •-26 luteolovelata D. A. Reid [REI78] [REI80] [WOO97] (Australia (NSW, VIC*) (=A. grisella var. luteolovelata (D. A. Reid) D. A. Reid. Spores [REID80]: 7.0 - 9.2 ×5.0 - 7.2 µm; est. Q = 1.3. Spores [WOO97]: 7.5 - 10.5 × (5.6-) 6.0 - 7.8 µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.28 - 1.43.) Spores: [40/2/2] (7.2-) 8.1 - 9.3 (-10.5) × (5.3-) 6.0 - 7.0 (-7.5) μm, (L = 8.7 μm; L' = 8.7 μm: W = 6.3 - 6.7 μm; W' = 6.5 μm; Q = (1.11-) 1.21 - 1.46 (-1.70); Q = 1.31 - 1.37; Q' = 134).)
- NZ-15. nothofagi G. Stev. [RID88] [RID91] [STE62] [TAY81] (New Zealand*) (= A. excelsa sensu G. Stev. in part. Spores: (6.5-) 7.5 - 9 (-13) × (6.5-) 7.5 - 9 (-13) µm; Q = 1.05)
- •-27 rubescens Pers. : Fr. [CLE24] [CLE34] [GIL41] [REI80] (Australia (SA)) (Spores [from northern European collections]: [310/13/8] (7.0-) 8.0 - 10.6 (-12.5) × (5.2-) 5.5 - 7.0 (-8.0) µm, (L = (8.4-) 8.6 - 10.1 µm; L’ = 9.2 µm; W = 6.0 - 6.6 (-6.7) µm; W’ = 6.3 µm; Q = (1.20-) 1.31 - 1.67 (-1.87); Q = 1.37 - 1.56 (-1.58); Q’ = 1.48). Spores (Australia): 7.2 - 9.0 × 5.0 - 5.5 (-6.5) µm; est. Q’ = 1.55. Spores [GB85] (Chile): (8-) 9 - 11 × 6 - 7 µm; est. Q’ = 1.55.)
- sordidogrisea A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: (6.6-) 7.5 - 9.0 × (4.2-) 4.8 - 5.4 µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.73.)
- strobilaceoides A. E. Wood [WOO97] (Australia (NSW*)) (Spores [WOO97]: 7.2 - 10.2 × (4.8-) 5.1 - 7.5 (-8.1) µm, avg. Q per collection = 1.28 - 1.51.)
- variabilis E.-J. Gilbert & Cleland [GIL41] [REI80] (Australia (SA*)) (Spores: 6.5 - 9.0 × 4.75 - 6.0 µm; est. Q = 1.45.)
- walpolei O. K. Mill. [MIL91] (Australia (WA*)) (Spores: 9 - 11 × 6 - 6.8 µm; Q = 1.58)
- NZ-16. species 1 of Ridley [RID88] [RID91] [TAY81] (New Zealand) (Spores: (7.5-) 8 - 9 (-10) × (5.5-) 6 - 7.5 (-8) µm; Q = 1.31.)
IV. Amanita Species unassignable to section
- pitereka Grgur. [GRG97] (Australia (SA*)) (Spores [GRG97]: [116/-/12] 4.8 - 8.0 × 3.8 - 5.4 μm, (L' = 5.7 μm; W' = 4.5 μm; est. Q = 1.19 - 1.47; Q' = 1.3). Spores: [20/1/1] 4.6 - 7.0 (-8.0) × (3.3-) 3.4 - 4.6 (- 5.5) μm, (L = 5.5 μm; W = 4.0 μm; Q = (1.15-) 1.23 - 1.57; Q = 1.38).)
- sp-Wallace-MO46000 (New Zealand) (Spores: [12/1/1] 5.0 - 6.0 × 5.0 - 5.6 (-6.0) µm, (L = 5.5 µm; W = 5.3 µm; Q = 1.0 - 1.08; Q=1.04).)
V. Amanita species named in the literature, but unsubstantiated [per D. A. Reid and G. S. Ridley]
- Amanita forrestiae (Kalchbr.) McAlpine [KAL83] [MCA95] [REI80] (Australia (?)) (Spores: .)
- citrina sensu Massee [RID88] [RID91] [STE62] (New Zealand) (Probable misidentification says G. S. Ridley.)
- mappa (Batsch ex Lasch) Quél. [COO92] [MCA95] [REI80]
- ovoidea (Bull. : Fr.) Quél. [COO92] [MCA95] [REI80]
- spissa (Fr.) Kummer [COO92] [MCA95] [REI80]
- vaginata (Bull. : Fr.) Vitt. [CLC14] [COO92] [MCA95] [REI80]
- verna (Bull. : Fr.) Vitt. [CLC14] [COO92] [MCA95] [REI80]
[ABE79] Aberdeen, J. E. C. 1979. Introduction to the mushrooms, Toadstools and larger fungi of Queensland. The Queensland Naturalists’ Club, Handbook no. 1. 120 pp.
[ART89] _____, D. J. Ross & C. H. Thompson. 1989. Studies in landscape dynamics in the Cooloola-Noosa River Area, Queensland.
7. Larger fungi. CSIRO Australia, Division of Soils, Divisional Report No. 100. 38 pp.
[BAS69] Bas. C. 1969. Morphology and subdivision of Amanita and a monograph of its section Lepidella. Persoonia 5(4): 285-579.
[BER45] Berkeley, M. J. 1845. ?. Hooker’s London Journal of Botany 4: ca. 45.
[BER48] _____. 1848. ?. Hooker’s London Journal of Botany 7: ca. 572.
[BER60] _____. 1860. ?. Flora Tasman. (Hooker ed.) 2: c. 242.
[CLE24] Cleland, J. B. 1924. Australian fungi: notes and descriptions—No. 5. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 48: 236-252.
[CLE27] _____. 1927. Australian fungi: notes and descriptions—No. 6. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 51: 298-306.
[CLE31] _____. 1931. Australian fungi: notes and descriptions—No. 8. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 55: 152-160.
[CLE33] _____. 1933. Australian fungi: notes and descriptions—No. 9. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 57: 187-194.
[CLE34] _____. 1934. Toadstools and mushrooms and other larger fungi of South Australia. Harrison Weir, Adelaide. 178 pp.
[CLC14] _____ & E. Cheel. 1914. The hymenomycetes of New South Wales. Agric. Gaz. New South Wales 25: 885-888, 1045-1049.
[CLC19] _____ & _____. 1919. Australian fungi: notes and descriptions—No. 3. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 43: 262-315, pl. xxviii-xxix.
[CLC23] _____ & _____. 1923. Australian fungi: notes and descriptions—No. 4. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 47: 58-78, 2 pl.
[CFH84] Cole, M., B. Fuhrer & A. Holland. 1984. A field guide to the common genera of gilled fungi in Australia. Inkata Press, Melbourne. revised edition. 11 pp. & pl.
[C0089] Cooke, M. C. 1889. New Australian fungi. Grevillea 18: 1f., 30-31, 72f., 113f.
[COO91] _____. 1891. ?. Grevillea 19: c. 82.
[COO92] _____. 1892. Handbook of Australian fungi. (Williams & Norgate, London). xxxii+457+[i] pp., 36 pl.
[CMA87] _____ &? G. E. Massee. 1887. ?. Grevillea 16: c. 30.
[CMA88] _____ &? _____. 1888. ?. Grevillea 16: c. 72.
[DMB13] Davison, E. M., L. E. McGurk, N. L. Bougher, K. Syme and E. L. J. Watkin. 2013. Amanita lesueurii and A. wadjukiorum (Basidiomycota), two new species from Western Australia, and an expanded description of A. fibrillopes. Nuytsia 23: 489-606
[DGM15] Davison, E. M., D. Giustiniano, L. E. McGurk, K. Syme and R. M. Robinson. 2015. Amanita drummondii and A. quenda (Basidiomycota), two new species from Western Australia, and an expanded description of A. walpolei. Nuytsia 25: 1-13.
[FUH85] Fuhrer, B. 1985. A field companion to Australian fungi. The Five Mile Press, Hawthorn. 162 pp.
[GEN53] Gentilli, J. 1953. Amanitas from King’s Park, Perth. The Western Australian Naturalist 4(2-3): 25-34, 59-63.
[GIL41] Gilbert, E.-J. 1940-41. Amanitaceae. Iconographia Mycologia 26: viii+427 pp. & pl. [Reissued, 1982 as Iconographia Mycologia 6.]
[GRG97] Grgurinovic, C. A. 1997. Larger fungi of South Australia. (Bot. Gard. Adelaide St. Herb., Fl. Fauna S. Austral. Handb. Comm.). vi+725 pp.
[GUZ75] Guzmán, G. 1975. New and interesting species of Agaricales from Mexico. Studies on Higher Fungi. H. E. Bigelow & H.
D. Thiers, eds. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 54: 99-118 & pl. 24=30.
[KAL81] Kalchbrenner, ?. 1881. ?. Grevillea 9: c. 147.
[KAL83] _____. 1883. ?. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 7(3-4): c. 638.
[KUN98] Kuntze, O. 1898. Rev. Gen. Plant. 3(2): c. 539.
[MRO01] Massee, G. E. 1901. ?. Bull. Misc. Inform. Roy. Bot. Gard. Kew ?: 156.
[MCA95] McAlpine, D. 1895. Systematic Arrangement of Australian Fungi. Government Printer, Melbourne. ? pp.
[MKZ92] McKenzie, Eric. 1992. A list of type specimens of New Zealand fungi held in DSIR Plant Protection herbarium (PDD). Mycotaxon 43: 77-156.
[MIL91] Miller, O. K., Jr. 1992 [“1991”]. New species of Amanita from Western Australia. Canad. J. Bot. 69: 2692-2703.
[MIL92] _____. 1992. Three new species of Amanita from Western Australia. Mycologia 84(5): 679-686.
[RCM09] Rees, B. J., R. Cracknell, A. Marchant and D. A. Orlovich 2009. A near-fatal case consistent with mushroom poisoning due to Amanita species. Australasian Mycologist 28: 23-28.
[REI78] Reid, D. A. 1978. New species of Amanita (fungi) from Australia. Victorian Naturalist 95: 47-49.
[REI80] _____. 1980. A monograph of the Australian species of Amanita Pers. ex Hook. (Fungi). Austral. J. Bot. Suppl. Ser. 8: 1-97.
[RIC37] Rick, J. 1937. Agarici riograndenses I. Lilloa 1: 3307-346.
[RID88] Ridley, G. S. 1988. Studies in white spored Agarics, the genera, Amanita, Squamanita, and Russula. Ph. D. thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
[RID91] _____. 1991. The New Zealand species of Amanita (Fungi: Agaricales). Aust. Sys. Bot. 4: 325-354.
[RID93] _____. 1993 Limacella macrospora S and L. wheroparaonea, a new species, from New Zealand (Fungi, Agaricales, Amanitaceae). Aust. Sys. Bot. 6: 155-159.
[SAC87] Saccardo, P. A. 1887. Syll. fung. 5: cf. 8ff.
[SAC88] _____. 1888. Syll. fung. 5: c. 752.
[SAC91] _____. 1891. Syll. fung. 7: ?.
[SAC91a] _____. 1891a. Syll. fung. 9: cf. 1-3.
[SAC95] _____. 1895. Syll. fung. 11: cf. 1-2.
[SHT88] Shepherd, C. J. and C. J. Totterdell. 1988. Mushrooms and toadstools of Australia. (Inkata Press, Sydney). [vi]+162 pp.
[STE62] Stevenson, G. 1962. The Agaricales of New Zealand 2. Amanitaceae. Kew Bulletin 16: 65-74.
[TAY81] Taylor, M. 1981. Mushrooms and toadstools. Reed, Christchurch. 79 pp.
[TRH14] Tulloss, R. E., C. Rodríguez-Caycedo, K. W. Hughes, J. Geml, L. V. Kudzma, B. E. Wolfe, and D. Arora. 2015. Nomenclatural changes in Amanita. II. Amanitaceae 1(2): 1-6. [on-line at]
[TYW95] Tulloss, R. E., A. M. Young and A. E. Wood. 1995. Amanita murinoflammeum—a new species from dry forests of eastern Australia. Mycotaxon 56: 295-302.
[WOO97] Wood, A. E. 1997. Studies in the genus Amanita (Agaricales) in Australia. Austral. Sys. Bot. 10: 723-854.
[YOU82] Young, A. M. 1982. Amanita nauseosa: an Australian species? Bull. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 16: 144.
[YOU86] _____. 1986. Common Australian fungi, rev. ed. (New South Wales University Press, Kensington). 157 pp. & pl.
[YOU94] _____. 1994. Common Australian fungi. A naturalist’s guide, 2nd. ed. (New South Wales University Press, Kensington). iv+154 pp. & 32 pl.