name | Amanita vetinummus |
name status | nomen provisorum |
author | Tulloss |
english name | "Silver Dollar Ringless Amanita" |
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intro | The following is based on original research by RET. |
cap | The cap is 29 - 58 mm wide and pale gray to pale silver. It darkens slightly when bruised, and is hemispheric to convex. Flesh is gray or white with a grayish cone-shaped region pointing downward above the stem. The edge of the cap is grooved for about one-third of the radius, volval remnants are absent or in white lumpy, irregular, membranous patches covering much of cap and separating easily from it. The volva discolors to dingy buff or yellowish, especially on high points. |
gills | The gills are narrowly attached or free. They are crowded, white to off-white to pale gray, and do not bruise or stain when cut. Short gills are of diverse lengths, unevenly distributed, and squarely cut off. |
stem | The stem is 37 - 124 × 5 - 8.5 mm, white, and becomes pale gray with age or handling. It narrows upward or is cylindric, sometimes flaring at the top. The stem is decorated by very fine grooves running along its length and/or by fine fibrils especially in the lower part of the stem. The uppermost part of stem may be chalky or bear fine raised flecks. The stuffed stem's flesh is white or whitish above and somewhat gray to pale gray below, sometimes pale grayish ocher in the volva below the stem base. The volva is sack-like, white, soft,and membranous, with an irregular edge. It often flares above the point of its attachment to the stem (about one quarter to one third of the distance from stem base to highest point on the sack). The volva, which has a cone like base, eventually collapses against the stem. The volva has an internal limb connected just above the point of the volva's attachment to the stem; the internal limb may be reduced only to a shelf-like projection from the volva. |
odor/taste | Odor was indistinct, taste was not recorded. |
spores | The spores measure (8.2-) 8.5 - 12.5 × (6.5-) 7.2 - 10.2 (-11.5) µm and are inamyloid, subglobose to broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid. Clamps are probably lacking at base of basidia. |
discussion | Described from Arizona (at an elevation of over 2400 m) where it is solitary to grouped. Present in loam and litter, under Arizona pines or in the sand and gravel of a jeep track with spruce, douglas-fir, and quaking aspen. Reader may wish to compare this taxon with another from the Chiricahua Mountains—Amanita mobilimanica Tulloss nom. prov.—R. E. Tulloss and N. Goldman |
brief editors | RET |
name | Amanita vetinummus | ||||||||
author | Tulloss nom. prov. | ||||||||
name status | nomen provisorum | ||||||||
english name | "Silver Dollar Ringless Amanita" | ||||||||
etymology | vetus, "old" + nummus, "coin"; hence, an "old coin" because of the silver to grayish silver pileus | ||||||||
GenBank nos. |
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intro | |||||||||
pileus | 29 - 58 mm wide, pale gray (slightly browner than 1B1) to uniformly pale silvery gray to pale silver, darkening slightly when bruised, hemispheric to convex, may become rimose, tacky, matt to shiny (when drying); context gray or white or white with grayish cone pointing downward in disc, with or without watery line above lamellae, unchanging when cut or bruised, 2 - 6 mm thick at stipe, thinning evenly to within a few mm of margin or for about three-quarters to four-fifths of radius, then membranous; margin striate (0.3 - 0.4R), nonappendiculate; universal veil absent or in lumpy irregular patch covering much of pileus and then white, discoloring dingy buff to yellowish (especially on high points), detersile, membranous. | ||||||||
lamellae | narrowly adnate to free to receding, with (lens) or without decurrent line on stipe apex, crowded, white to off-white to sordid white in mass, white to pale grayish white to pale gray in side view, unchanging when cut or bruised, 4.5 - 6.5 mm broad; lamellulae truncate, of diverse lengths, plentiful to sparse (CMP0575), unevenly distributed. | ||||||||
stipe | 37 - 124 × 5 - 8.5 mm, white, becoming pale gray in age and from handling, narrowing upward or cylindric, sometimes flaring at apex, longitudinally striate and/or fibrillose or minutely concolorously fibrillose (lens) below, chalky or punctate at apex; context white or whitish above, somewhat sordid white to pale gray below, sometimes pale sordid ochraceous in volva below stipe base, stuffed with cottony white fibrils (becoming grayish when crushed), central cylinder 1.5 - 3 mm wide; exannulate; universal veil as saccate volva, white, soft, membranous, with irregular margin, flaring above point of attachment to stipe (about one quarter to one third of distance from stipe base to highest point on limb), eventually collapsing against stipe, 22 - 49 × 8.5 - 9.5+ mm, less than 1 mm thick at point half-way between point of attachment and highest point on limb, with obconic base, with limbus internus just above point of attachment to stipe (sometimes indicated only by shelf-like region at point of attachment). | ||||||||
odor/taste | Odor indistinct. Taste not recorded. | ||||||||
macrochemical tests |
none recorded. | ||||||||
lamella trama | bilateral, divergent; wcs = 30 - 35 µm; with subhymenial base including unevenly distributed inflated cells up to 28 × 17.5 µm (almost all less than 17.0 × 13.0 µm, occasionally penetrating and/or participating in subhymenium); filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae ? - ? µm wide, branching, densely packed in central stratum, with occasional intercalary slightly inflated segments up to ? µm wide, ?; divergent, terminal inflated cells not observed; vascular hyphae not observed. | ||||||||
subhymenium | wst-near = 15 - 20 µm; wst-far = 30 - 50 µm; a frequently branching structure including inflated cells and uninflated and partially inflated hyphal segments and branched elements, with basidia commonly arising from uninflated short hyphal segments and unevenly distributed small inflated cells (forming diverse angles to central stratum—very shallow to 90°). | ||||||||
basidia | 30 - 67 × 12.0 - 17.0 µm, dominantly 4-, occasionally 2-sterigmate, with walls thin or slightly thickened or infrequently (CMP0860) to commonly (CMP0575) up to 0.8 µm thick; clamps ??. | ||||||||
partial veil | absent. | ||||||||
basidiospores | [80/4/3] (8.2-) 8.5 - 12.5 × (6.5-) 7.2 - 10.2 (-11.5) µm, (L = 9.7 - 11.8 µm; L’ = 10.7 µm; W = 8.4 - 9.4 µm; W’ = 8.9 µm; Q = (1.06-) 1.11 - 1.39 (-1.54); Q = 1.16 - 1.26; Q’ = 1.20), hyaline, colorless, smooth, thin-walled, inamyloid, subglobose to broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, at least somewhat adaxially flattened, occasionally expanded at one end; apiculus sublateral, cylindric; contents mostly monoguttulate, with or without additional small granules, infrequently multiguttulate; white in deposit. | ||||||||
ecology | Arizona: Solitary to subgregarious, from 2430 to 2670 m elev. In loam and litter, under Pinus arizonica(CMP0855, CMP0860) or in sand and gravel of jeep track with Picea sp., Pseudotsuga menziesii, and Populus tremuloides (CMP0575). | ||||||||
material examined |
U.S.A.: ARIZONA—Cochise Co. - CMP site #7, 19.viii.1992 F. H. Nishida & R. E. Tulloss 8-19-92-L [CMP0575] (LAM; RET); CMP site #46, 18.viii.1991 F. H. Nishida s.n. [CMP0855 ; Tulloss 8-18-91-O] (LAM; RET), 18.viii.1991 R. E. Tulloss 8-18-91-V [CMP0860] (LAM; RET). Also, check Ruth Bronson coll. from NM. | ||||||||
discussion |
This provisional taxon must be carefully compared with another from the Chiricahua Mountains—Amanita mobilimanica Tulloss nom. prov. A sporograph comparison of the two provisional is presented below. Note that CMP0382 was selected from a group of specimens including hypomycized buttons—according to Dr. States' notes. This mushroom has been called both "Amanita sp. AZ9" and "Amanita sp. AZ19" in keys and manuscript drafts. | ||||||||
citations | —R. E. Tulloss | ||||||||
editors | RET | ||||||||
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