name | Amanita sp-Hesler-22051 |
name status | cryptonomen temporarium |
author | Tulloss |
images | |
intro | The monochrome photograph and a brief description are all the supporting macroscopic evidence that has been found for Dr. R. Hesler's number 22051 (TENN), which is described on this taxon page. |
cap | The cap of this species was described as "fulvous" by the collector. |
gills | The gills are described as white. Short gills were found to be infrequent in the dried material. |
stem | The surface of the stem and the partial veil were described as white. The lower portion of the stem is said to be tinted "fulvous." |
odor/taste | There is no record of the odor or taste of this mushroom. |
spores | The spores of this species measure (9.6-) 9.9 - 14.0 (-14.5) × (6.8-) 6.9 - 8.5 (-8.0) μm and are ellipsoid to elongate and inamyloid. Clamps are rather common at bases of basidia. |
discussion |
RET is convinced that the collection of Hesler placed here temporarily is not Amanita arkansana. The presence of giant spores on the hymenium makes the determination more difficult than would otherwise be the case. The volval sac is atypically large for A. banningiana.—R. E. Tulloss |
brief editors | RET |
name | Amanita sp-Hesler-22051 | ||||||||
author | Tulloss | ||||||||
name status | cryptonomen temporarium | ||||||||
GenBank nos. |
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intro |
Olive text indicates a specimen that has not been
thoroughly examined (for example, for microscopic details) and marks other places in the text
where data is missing or uncertain. The data we have on this taxon is represented by a "black and white" photograph, extremely limited field notes, and a brief examination of the exsiccatum. By using the size of type from examples produced on Hesler's typewriter, we can obtain a good idea of the size of the photographed fruiting body. The following is based on original research of R. E. Tulloss. | ||||||||
pileus | 42+ mm wide, "fulvous"; margin presumably striate. | ||||||||
lamellae | free, "white", close; lamellulae infrequent. | ||||||||
stipe | 125 × 11.5 mm, "white"; partial veil superior, skirt-like, persistent; universal veil saccate, membranous, tubular, 57 × 25 mm. | ||||||||
odor/taste | not recorded | ||||||||
macrochemical tests |
none recorded | ||||||||
subhymenium | pseudoparenchymatous (cellular); with 2± cell layers. Tissues difficult to rehydrate. | ||||||||
basidia | ?? ; clamps rather common. | ||||||||
anatomical figures | |||||||||
basidiospores | [20/1/1] (9.6-) 9.9 - 14.0 (-14.5) × (6.8-) 6.9 - 8.5 (-8.0) μm, (L = 11.1 μm; W = 7.4 μm; Q = 1.37 - 1.65 (-1.68); Q = 1.50), hyaline, colorless, smooth, thin-walled, inamyloid, ellipsoid to elongate, adaxially flattened, with some distorted or bean-shaped spores present, with some giant spores present; apiculus ??; contents granular; color in deposit not recorded. | ||||||||
ecology | In sandy soil of deciduous woods. | ||||||||
material examined | U.S.A.: NORTH CAROLINA—Macon Co. - ca. 3 km E of Highlands by rd., Horse Cove [35° 02' 40.53" N/ 83° 09' 43.51" W], 22.viii.1955 L. R. Hesler 22051 (TENN). | ||||||||
discussion |
From the limited information available, the species probably belongs in the group associated with A. jacksonii. Taking into account the presence of giant spores (suggesting immaturity of Hesler's specimen), the best match of sporographs is apparently with A. banningiana and A. sp-S10. A sporograph comparison with A. arkansana is presented here. A sporograph comparison with A. banningiana is presented here. The similarity of the sporographs of these two species is likely to be misleading because of the relatively small universal veil that is typical of A. banningiana and differs dramatically from the large tubular volval sack in Hesler's photograph. A sporograph comparison with A. sp-S10 is presented here: A sporograph comparison with A. sp-AR01 is presented here. | ||||||||
citations | —R. E. Tulloss | ||||||||
editors | RET | ||||||||
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Each spore data set is intended to comprise a set of measurements from a single specimen made by a single observer; and explanations prepared for this site talk about specimen-observer pairs associated with each data set. Combining more data into a single data set is non-optimal because it obscures observer differences (which may be valuable for instructional purposes, for example) and may obscure instances in which a single collection inadvertently contains a mixture of taxa.