E. M. Davison in Davison et al.
Syst. Bot. 30(4): 375.
name status
nomen acceptum
protolog: "Djarilmari means forest in the Western Australian Aboriginal
Noongar language (Whitehurst 1997), reflecting the habitat
where this species occurs. The epithet is formed as a noun in
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protolog: Singly or gregarious. In
sand near the following plants: Acacia
acuminata, Allocasuarina huegeliana,
Corymbia calophylla, Eucalyptus accedens,
E. astringens,
E. falcata, E. marginata,
E. platypus, E. wandoo,
Gastrolobium calycinum, Hypocalymma
material examined
WESTERN AUSTRALIA—Shire of Cuballing - Dryandra
Woodland [32.7931° S/ 116.9994° E],
18.iv.2016 E. M. Davison s.n. (holotype, PERTH 08776067),
E. M. Davison 28-1992 & P. J. N. Davison (paratype, PERTH 08776024),
E. M. Davison 30-1992 & P. J. N. Davison (paratype, PERTH 08775982),
E. M. Davison 28-2016 & P. J. N. Davison (paratype, PERTH 08775990),
E. M. Davison 37-2016 & P. J. N. Davison (paratype, PERTH 08776083),
E. M. Davison 38-2016 & P. J. N. Davison (paratype, PERTH 08776105),
E. M. Davison 30-1992 & P. J. N. Davison (paratype, PERTH 08775982),
E. M. Davison 28-2016 & P. J. N. Davison (paratype, PERTH 08775990),
E. M. Davison 37-2016 & P. J. N. Davison (paratype, PERTH 08776083),
E. M. Davison 38-2016 & P. J. N. Davison (paratype, PERTH 08776105).&nbdp;
Shire of Mundaring,
E. M. Davison 18-2013 & P. J. N. Davison (paratype, PERTH 08776040),
E. M. Davison 12-2016 & P. J. N. Davison (paratype, PERTH 08776091),
E. M. Davison 13-2016 & P. J. N. Davison (paratype, PERTH 08776075),
E. M. Davison 14-2016 & P. J. N. Davison (paratype, PERTH 08776016).&nbdp;
Shire of Serpentine – Jarrahdale,
E. M. Davison 1-2008 & F. Batini (paratype, PERTH 08776059).
—E. M. Davison and R. E. Tulloss
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Amanita djarilmari
name status
nomen acceptum
E. M. Davison
Amanita djarilmari
Amanita djarilmari
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