name | Amanita cinereoannulosa | ||||||||
author | ("cinereo-annulosa") Cleland. 1933. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 57: 187. | ||||||||
name status | nomen acceptum | ||||||||
english name | "Southern Gray-Skirted Amanita" | ||||||||
MycoBank nos. | 260827 | ||||||||
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lectotypes | AD [divided into two packets after lectotypification] | ||||||||
lectotypifications | Reid. 1980. Austral. J. Bot., Suppl. Ser. 8: 17. | ||||||||
type studies | Tulloss, here | ||||||||
revisions | Reid. 1980. Austral. J. Bot., Suppl. Ser. 8: 17, fig. 5. | ||||||||
intro |
The following text may make multiple use of each data field. The field may contain magenta text presenting data from a type study and/or revision of other original material cited in the protolog of the present taxon. Macroscopic descriptions in magenta are a combination of data from the protolog and additional observations made on the exiccata during revision of the cited original material. The same field may also contain black text, which is data from a revision of the present taxon (including non-type material and/or material not cited in the protolog). Paragraphs of black text will be labeled if further subdivision of this text is appropriate. Olive text indicates a specimen that has not been thoroughly examined (for example, for microscopic details) and marks other places in the text where data is missing or uncertain. The following material not directly from the protolog of the present taxon or from Reid (1980) is based upon original research by R. E. Tulloss from an unpublished type study. | ||||||||
pileus | 60 - 82 mm, Drab (10YR 5.5/3.0) or (usually) paler, roughly planar at maturity, sometimes subumbonate, sometimes slightly depressed, polished; context not described; margin apparently nonstriate?, nonappendiculate; universal veil absent or as stretched thin and quite broad patch over disc, gray to pallid, gray in exsiccata. | ||||||||
lamellae | narrowly adnate with line descending stipe apex, moderately close, white to creamy white, up to 10 mm broad; lamellulae truncate to rounded truncate to subtruncate to subattenuate, of diverse lengths, plentiful, unevenly distributed. | ||||||||
stipe | 87 - 137 × 15 - 20 mm, whitish, narrowing slightly upward, striate and pale Drab above annulus, fibrillose below it; bulb slight[?]; context "slightly hollow"; partial veil ample, superior, but rather distant, membranous, Drab, persistent for awhile, but sometimes lost at maturity; universal veil as limbate ["vaginate" per protologue] volva of uniform height, somewhat suggesting that of A. pantherina, membranous, rather thick, sheathing, "ample," adnate to stipe base for about one-third of height (in exsiccata) when no volval tissue on pileus, pallid but not gray in exsiccata, with no obvious limbus internus in exsiccata. | ||||||||
odor/taste | not recorded. | ||||||||
macrochemical tests |
none recorded. | ||||||||
pileipellis | suprapellis 60 - 75 µm thick, colorless, strongly gelatinized; subpellis 95 - 135 (-170) µm thick, very pale brownish yellow to pale sordid yellow to pale yellow, largely not gelatinized; filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae 1.4 - 5.7 µm wide, interwoven (over disc) to subradially arranged, branching, hyaline and colorless to pale sordid yellowish and subrefractive; vascular hyphae 3.3 - 11.3 µm wide, branching, scattered to locally common; clamps present (yellow when on yellowish hyphae). | ||||||||
pileus context | tissue partially collapsed; filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae 1.4 - 8.8 µm wide, branching, in fascicles and singly in loosely woven lattice; acrophysalides narrowly to broadly clavate, up to 135 × 25+ µm or larger; vascular hyphae 3.5 - 11.9 µm wide, scattered, but not infrequent, sinuous, locally loosely coiled or tangled or in knots, having occasional abrupt constrictions. | ||||||||
lamella trama | bilateral, with central stratum and subhymenial base [if latter distinguishable from subhymenium (see Fig. ??)] collapsed and poorly or not rehydratable in all specimens (central stratum width unmeasurable); filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae 2.0 - 3.5 µm wide, branching, collapsed, occasionally with yellowish walls; terminal, inflated cells not observed (not observable?); vascular hyphae 2.1 - 3.5 µm wide, scattered?; clamps not observable. | ||||||||
subhymenium | in most specimens collapsed and not rehydratable; wst-near = 15± µm; wst-far = 25± µm; comprising frequently branching and short-segmented filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae with occasional partially inflated segments and branched elements and small subglobose to broadly ellipsoid cells (up to 14.0± × 12.0± µm, thin-walled), with basidia arising from short uninflated hyphal segments as well as from small inflated cells; clamps present. | ||||||||
basidia | 32 - 53 × 9.0 - 13.3 µm, thin-walled, 4-sterigmate, with sterigmata up to 5.2 × 1.4 µm, with occasional basidioles branched; clamps prominent and plentiful. | ||||||||
universal veil | On pileus, exterior surface: filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae 2.4 - 5.6 µm wide, densely packed, subradially arranged, sometimes with granular contents, thin-walled, often constricted at septa, often hyaline and colorless, sometimes with pale sordid yellowish walls; inflated cells terminal, occasional, thin-walled, narrowly clavate (e.g., 63 × 14.7 µm), sometimes with pale grayish walls; vascular hyphae 2.8 - 9.2 µm wide, branching, common, locally plentiful; clamps observed. On pileus, interior: filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae 1.4 - 10.5 µm wide, densely interwoven, often fasciculate, hyaline and colorless or with pale sordid yellowish walls, thin-walled, sometimes containing refractive granules, often constricted at septa; inflated cells terminal, scattered, hyaline and colorless or colored as on exterior surface or with pale sordid yellowish walls, thin-walled, narrowly clavate up to 168 × 17.5 µm, often with (sometimes yellow) clamp at septum; vascular hyphae not observed; clamps rather common. On pileus, lower surface: not distinguishable from interior. On stipe base, exterior surface: extensively collapsed and gelatinized, apparently otherwise like interior. On stipe base, interior: filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae 1.0 - 6.3 µm wide, hyaline and colorless to yellowish and subrefractive, thin-walled, strongly fasciculate, longitudinally oriented, dominating; inflated cells clavate, up to 63 × 24 µm, thin-walled, scattered to locally clustered, often longitudinally oriented, terminal, singly, often with yellowish subrefractive walls, many collapsed and broken; vascular hyphae not observed; clamps probably present, but not observable. On stipe base, inner surface: filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae longitudinally oriented, often fasciculate, often with yellowish subrefractive walls, occasionally partially gelatinized; otherwise as in interior. | ||||||||
stipe context | longitudinally acrophysalidic; filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae 2.1 - 6.3 µm wide, plentiful, thin-walled, branching; acrophysalides up to 140 × 39 µm, plentiful, thin-walled, sometimes appearing marmorate; vascular hyphae not observed; clamps present. | ||||||||
partial veil | surprisingly lacking in gray or brown elements; filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae 1.4 - 4.9 µm wide, closely packed, largely subradially arranged, also with hyphae tangled and interwoven, dominating, thin-walled, branching, slightly gelatinized, sometimes with slightly sordid pale yellowish walls, in fascicles; inflated cells clavate, up to 30 × 11.7 µm, thin-walled, scattered, locally clustered, colored like filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae (sometimes a little deeper sordid yellow); vascular hyphae 2.1 - 5.7 µm wide, branching, infrequent. | ||||||||
lamella edge tissue | not described. | ||||||||
basidiospores | [114/6/1] (9.3-) 9.9 - 14.7 (-20.3) × (5.6-) 6.4 - 8.6 (-10.2) μm, (L = 11.2 - 12.3 (-13.7) μm; L' = 12.2 μm; W = 7.1 - 7.6 μm; W' = 7.4 μm; Q = (1.33-) 1.40 - 1.99 (-2.23); Q = 1.58 - 1.66 (-1.83); Q' = 1.66), hyaline, colorless, thin-walled, smooth, inamyloid, ellipsoid to elongate to (occasionally) cylindric, usually adaxially flattened, occasionally expanded at one end, occasionally constricted; apiculus sublateral, prominent, subcylindric; contents granular or monoguttulate with additional small granules; white in deposit. | ||||||||
ecology | In sand, with about one-third of stipe length in substrate. | ||||||||
material examined | AUSTRALIA: SOUTH AUSTRALIA—Hindmarsh Co. - Encounter Bay, 26.v.1932 J. B. Cleland s.n. (lectotype, AD 3010 & AD 3011 [formerly combined as ADW 9270]). | ||||||||
discussion |
The gray annulus combined with a robust volval limb and ellipsoid to elongate spores are distinctive among taxa described to date Amanita?]. The tissue of the universal veil in A. cinereoannulosa is quite typical of numerous taxa in Amanita sections Caesareae and Vaginatae—dominated by hyphae and containing clavate inflated cells. While there is really no clear indication of a basal bulb in material examined, Cleland’s observation of a subbulbous stipe base cannot be discounted entirely based on the exsiccata of the lectotype. In AD 3011, there are a couple of specimens that appear to have bulbous bases and the volval limb collapsed enough during drying that a crease marks the point of attachment of the limb to the stipe—suggesting the top of a bulb. On the other hand, exsiccata of an as yet undescribed taxon of section Amidella (A. whetstoneae Tulloss nom. prov.) with a large, narrow volval sac and a stipe that is clearly totally elongating often exhibit the same creases that (in the latter case) falsely suggest a bulb. According to Reid (1980), this species is known only from the type locality. The lectotype was designated by Reid (1980) without comment; and, subsequent to its designation, was divided into two separate packets. | ||||||||
citations | —R. E. Tulloss | ||||||||
editors | RET | ||||||||
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name | Amanita cinereoannulosa |
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