name | Amanita calyptrata var. albescens |
name status | insufficiently known |
author | Peck |
english name | "Pallid Slender Caesar" |
intro | The following description is derived from the original description of A. calyptrata var. albescens and the type study of the taxon by Jenkins (1978a). |
cap | The cap of Amanita calyptrata var. albescens is approximately 60 mm wide, whitish, plano-convex to planar, and has a distinctly striate margin. The volva is present as a large membranous patch, covering most of cap. |
gills | The gills are free, crowded, and have even edges. |
stem | The hollow stem is approximately 120 × 13 mm and tapers upward slightly. The ring is membranous. The saccate volva is membranous, large, thick, and lobed. |
odor/taste | Neither the odor nor the taste of this mushroom were recorded. |
spores | The available spore data for this fungus comes from the study of the type collection by Jenkins (1978a) are as follows. The spores are 12.5 - 13.0 × 9.0 - 10.0 µm, ellipsoid, and inamyloid. Spores from Canadian material possibly assignable to the taxon sent to RET by Yves Lamoureux are as follows: 10.8 - 13.0 (-14.5) × (8.0-) 8.2 - 10.2 (-10.5) µm. |
discussion |
The original habitat information was not recorded. This taxon is known only from its type collection. Because Peck's use of the term "white" was very inclusive compared to modern usage, we are inclined to make a comparison of the present fungus to A. murrilliana Singer. The latter tends to have brownish tones in the center of the cap and a whitish margin of varying width. However, the spores are distinctly narrower in A. murrilliana than in the present taxon. Jenkins' type study is somewhat ambivalent with regard to relevant microscopic characters. Therefore the type will have to be reexamined. RET is very interested in obtaining material which may represent the present taxon.—R. E. Tulloss and L. Possiel |
brief editors | RET |
name | Amanita calyptrata var. albescens | ||||||||
author | Peck. 1900b ["1899," "1901"]. Rep. (Annual) Regents Univ. State New York New York State Mus. 53: 840, pl. A, fig. 1-5. [Combination with species epithet that is a posterior homonym. Taxon not well known.] | ||||||||
name status | insufficiently known | ||||||||
english name | "Pallid Slender Caesar" | ||||||||
MycoBank nos. | 517872 | ||||||||
GenBank nos. |
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| ||||||||
holotypes | NYS (implicit) | ||||||||
type studies | Jenkins. 1978a. Mycotaxon 7: 25. | ||||||||
intro |
The following text may make multiple use of each data field. The field may contain magenta text presenting data from a type study and/or revision of other original material cited in the protolog of the present taxon. Macroscopic descriptions in magenta are a combination of data from the protolog and additional observations made on the exiccata during revision of the cited original material. The same field may also contain black text, which is data from a revision of the present taxon (including non-type material and/or material not cited in the protolog). Paragraphs of black text will be labeled if further subdivision of this text is appropriate. Olive text indicates a specimen that has not been thoroughly examined (for example, for microscopic details) and marks other places in the text where data is missing or uncertain. The following material is derived from the protolog of the present species and from the type study of Jenkins (1978a). | ||||||||
pileus | from (Jenkins 1978a): 60± wide, whitish, planar t plano-convex; context not described; margin distinctly striate; universal veil as large membranous patch, white, covering major part of pileus. | ||||||||
lamellae | from (Jenkins 1978a): free, crowded, with edges even; lamellulae not described. | ||||||||
stipe | from Jenkins (1978a): ca. 120 × 13 mm, slightly narrowing upward; contents hollow, with broad central cylinder; partial veil membranous, few remnants in holotype; universal veil as saccate volva, large, membranous, thick, lobed, usually not adhering to stipe. | ||||||||
odor/taste | not recorded. | ||||||||
macrochemical tests |
none recorded. | ||||||||
pileipellis | from (Jenkins 1978a): filamentous undifferentiated hyphae densely interwoven, gelatinized. | ||||||||
pileus context | from (Jenkins 1978a): filamentous undifferentiated hyphae up to 8 μm wide, moderately branched; inflated cells elongate. | ||||||||
lamella trama | from (Jenkins 1978a): bilateral; filamentous undifferentiated hyphae up to 7 μm wide, moderately branched; inflated cells elongate, terminal singly or in short chains; clamps rare. | ||||||||
subhymenium | from (Jenkins 1978a): ramose, clamps not observed. | ||||||||
basidia | from (Jenkins 1978a): up to 77 × 3.9 - 11.7 μm, 4-sterigmate; clamps absent. [Note: Absence of clamps is unknown in a species that otherwise is assignable to sect. Caesareae. Since clamps are reported by Jenkins elsewhere in the basidiome, it would be even more unusual if clamps were not found at the bases of basidia—there is no known case of clamps absent on the bases of basidia when found elsewhere in a basidiome.—ed.] | ||||||||
universal veil | from (Jenkins 1978a): On stipe base, "external layer": filamentous undifferentiated hyphae dominating, 8 μm wide, moderately branched; clamps absent. inflated cells mostly subglobose to ellipsoid, up to 80 × 63 μm, terminal singly or in short chains. On stipe base, "inner layer": similar, but with larger number of inflated cells. On pileus: very similar to tissue on stipe base. [Note: The notions of layers represented here are evidently different from those currently used by the editors.—ed.] | ||||||||
stipe context | from (Jenkins 1978a): longitudinally acrophysalidic; filamentous undifferentiated hyphae fairly conspicuous, sparsely branched; acrophysalides up to 278 × 38 μm. | ||||||||
partial veil | from (Jenkins 1978a): filamentous undifferentiated hyphae almost completely dominating, up to 7 μm wide, sparsely branched; inflated cells infrequent, "usually" ellipsoid; clamps rare. | ||||||||
lamella edge tissue | not described. | ||||||||
basidiospores | from (Jenkins 1978a): [-/-/-] 12.5 - 13.0 × 9.0 - 10.0 μm, (Q = 1.30 - 1.38; Q = 1.31), hyaline, inamyloid, ellipsoid, often adaxially flattened; apiculus sublateral, cylindric; contents guttulate; color in desposit not recorded. [Note: From the data summary, one must assume that Jenkins found few spores on the basidiome(s) of the holotype—suggesting that they were immature when collected and dried.—ed.] | ||||||||
ecology | not recorded. | ||||||||
material examined |
from (Jenkins 1978a): U.S.A.: NEW YORK—Saratoga Co. - Northumberland, Gansevoort, | ||||||||
discussion |
The rarity of clamps and their absence at the
bases of basidia may not hold up after the
examination of fresh material that can be assigned
to this taxon. A ramose subhymenium is a characteristic observed in mature material of few taxa in section Caesareae (those fleshy species placed in the provisional stirps Calyptroderma). It is possible that the tissues of the type reviewed by Jenkins were immature or not reinflatable (especially considering the age of the material). Hence, confident placement of the present species in the provisional systematics of this site is probably not possible at present. In this regard, it is of interest that a whitish species assignable to sect. Caesareae was collected and sent to RET by Yves Lamoureux. Once called "A. sp-QUE01" on this site, it was considered as a possible representative of the present taxon. At present, it is considered to belong in A. murrilliana. A sporograph comparison with the pallid, eastern U.S. species A. murrilliana is presented here: Sometimes, individual specimens of A. spreta can be very pale to white. A sporograph comparison of the present taxon to A. spreta is provided here: | ||||||||
citations | —R. E. Tulloss | ||||||||
editors | RET | ||||||||
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name | Amanita calyptrata var. albescens |
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[ Keys & Checklists ] [ Draft description of, & key to, sect. Caesareae ] |
name | Amanita calyptrata var. albescens |
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[ Keys & Checklists ] [ Draft description of, & key to, sect. Caesareae ] |
Each spore data set is intended to comprise a set of measurements from a single specimen made by a single observer; and explanations prepared for this site talk about specimen-observer pairs associated with each data set. Combining more data into a single data set is non-optimal because it obscures observer differences (which may be valuable for instructional purposes, for example) and may obscure instances in which a single collection inadvertently contains a mixture of taxa.